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After her conversation with Carlisle, Ingrid walked over to Rebekah. The twin sat down with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Rebekah looked at her sister in concern.

"I just got a call from Carlisle" Ingrid glanced slyly at her sister "of course, you already knew that"

Rebekah smirked slightly as she glanced down. Ingrid barked out a laugh. A couple of seconds later, Rebekah joined in. The two siblings laughed together until Niklaus stormed into the room with an angered look. Their laughter died down quickly as they saw the look on their older brothers face.

"Niklaus?" Ingrid stood from her seat and walked towards the angered hybrid "what happened?"

"Those bloody witches threatened to kill Hailey if I am not back I'm New Orleans within the next two days" Klaus growled.

"You have hybrids watching her every move, how will they be able to lay a hand on her?" Rebekah inquired.

"She is linked to one of the witches, Sophie Deveraux" he glared at nothing in particular as his fists clenched until his knuckles were pure white.

"Then what the bloody hell are we doing here then?" Rebekah raised her voice slightly.

"It looks like we're going to New Orleans" Ingrid sighed.

Niklaus smirked at both of his sisters "it seems so, sister"

The two sisters mirrored his smirk.


Meanwhile, in the throne room, the kings had heard everything. Including the fact of hat their mate was leaving.

"We cannot allow her to leave" Caius barked.

"we cannot control her either" Marcus kept his eyes trained on the old book that sat on his lap.

"She is our mate!" Caius yelled.

Aro sighed "mate or not, if we try to rule her life, she may grow to resent us. Thus, ending in rejection"

The platinum blondes eyes narrowed "correct me, brother, but didn't she already reject us?"

"Brother, she merely wishes to protect us from her brother" Marcus jumped in.

Just as those words left his lips, the doors were thrown open. The brunette strode over to her mates and gave them each a glance.

"Brother" Ingrid called, not even raising her voice.

The hybrid waltzed in like he owned the place. Klaus stood next to his sister with a smirk etched upon his lips as he clasped his hands behind his back. A habit that he has had since they were humans.

"Gentlemen," The dirty blonde announces "the woman who is carrying my child-"

"Hayley" Ingrid interrupted, earning an eye roll from Klaus.

"Hayley. Is in a tad bit of trouble, you see. I could use all of the protection for this woman I can get. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly capable of protecting my unborn child on my own, but there seems to be a particularly nasty coven of witches who want me to do something for them. They're using her as leverage" Niklaus gave emphasis on Hayley's name as he spoke.

The sad king shut his book, while Caius narrowed his eyes for the umpteenth time. Aro all but raised a brow at this.

"What he is trying to say is, will you help us?" Another female voice rang out from the doorway.

All five heads snapped in the direction, only to see a smirking blonde Original.

Caius smirked as he looked at his brothers. Aro held a concerned expression as he held his chin between his index finger and his thumb.

"Brother?" Marcus's voice rang out.

The raven haired man kept his brows slightly furrowed "we will have to leave Voltura. Who is to stop our enemies, should they come to overthrow us?"

All of the kings had thoughtful expressions at this point. Trying to find a way around this.

"Am I the only one with a bloody brain? Put someone you trust in charge" Rebekah pointed out.

The hybrid clapped his hands together loudly, directing the attention to him "you seem to have misunderstood, I'm not giving you a choice"

The brunette rolled her chocolate eyes at her half-Brother.

"It has been a while since we were last in New Orleans"


The three Originals and three cold ones sat in the plush seats of a private jet that Klaus had compelled. 'Only the best is fit for a king' he would say.

"King my ass" Ingrid scoffed.

"What was that?" He still had the same smirk on his face, daring her to defy him. She did just that.

"Your an Original. You should have been able to hear me, but I'll repeat it. KING. MY. ASS"

"Once your done with these childish games, come join me on the jet"

"Mehmehmehmehmehmehmehme" the twin mocked in a high pitched voice.

Klaus' smirk faltered as he stared at her with a frustrated expression "shut up"

"Mehmeh!" She continued to mock her older brother.




"MEH. MEH. "




"ARE YOU SO- what was this about again?"

Klaus growled at his sister before stomping onto the plane like a child. The kings and Rebekah watched the exchange with amused expressions.

"I'm Klaus. I'm a hybrid. Worship me" Ingrid said in a girly voice while making exaggerated hand gestures. She flipped her hair with sass "I'm too fabulous for anyone"

Niklaus's head popped out of the door to the jet like a jack in the box. He held a furious expression as he glowered at his sister.


She turned to look at her brother with a huge smile "just saying how much I love you"

She walked past him while he pursed his lips "I could hear you from inside the jet"

Ingrid looked at her brother with a smirk "so that you heard?"

Klaus tugged at the roots of his dirty-blonde hair in anger as he threw his head back. He let out a strangled cry at his sister's antics.

"Unbelievable" He murmured.

The kings stood there, jaws slacking. The most dangerous and powerful family ever to walk the earth were children. They were complete and utter children. The kings looked to each other with disbelief.

Rebekah looked at the three vampires "This is normal for us. I'd close your mouths, you'll catch flies"

Each one of their jaws snapped closed as they followed the blonde onto the jet.

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