Chapter Thirteen

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Early the next morning Nick and I had to leave the apartment to catch our flight to New york. Our 'honeymoon' was only going to be two short days and Nick insisted that he book us the earliest flight so that we could take advantage of the short trip. When we left, the place was still a tip from the night before, but Nick had arranged for some cleaners to come while we were away.

A mixture of tiredness and nerves caused the early morning to pass in a blur, before I knew it we were sitting in the plane waiting for our departure.

The flight wasn't too bad, although it wasn't until the plane touched down again that I let myself relax. Due to th time difference, when we landed it was nearing 3.30. We decided to head straight to the hotel, and get ready for dinner.

The almost impromptu trip meant that papparazzi weren't expecting us, and we managed to leave the airport completely unnoticed.

Nick had booked us in to the honeymoon suite in one of the most prestigious hotels in the inner city. When we arrived I sucked in my breath. The entire city was a giangantic concrete jungle. We excited the yellow cab we were in and watched it slink back into a sea of yellow cabs.

“Well Mrs Jackson. Shall we check out the honeymoon suite”

I looked down at the ring on my left hand and nodded

We walked into the hotel, as a bellboy followed behind us with the luggage. I knew there was no turning back from this. Even though Nick and I had been booked in under a psyedom, it would get out that we were here. In a honeymoon suite. In a matter of hours a picture of the ring on my hand would be blasted all over TMZ. But I didn't care.

Nick and I showered and dressed then headed out for dinner. Sure enough when we left the hotel there was a sprinkling of paps.

“Is that a ring on your finger Sarah?” One called out as we walked to our waiting car

“Have you got some news for us guys?”

“please leave me and my wife alone” Nick smiled cheekily as we hopped in the car.

He closed the door before the camera's could go nuts and looked at me sheepishly

“I probably should have asked before I announced that” He murmured “I just want everyone to know we're married”

I smiled and shrugged. A few days ago I would have balked at the idea, in fact I pretty much had. I'd worn the engagement ring on a chain around my neck. What the media reported suddenly didn't matter.

“I don't mind” I replied “Although I hope our dinner reservations are away from any windows” I joked as the car pulled away from the kerb.

I think I've done one better than that. I called a friend a few days ago and organised to book out his entire restaurant. It'll just be us, and the staff”

“You didn't have to do that!” I laughed, we weren't that type of couple. We didn't need anyone to cater to our every whim, so booking out an entire restaurant to keep away from prying eyes seemed a little over the top.

“I wanted to be with just you, tomorrow night we can eat out in central park if you want”

“I wish we could stay here longer. Two nights is just far to short” I whispered as I snuggled in to Nick.

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