"Mija what's wrong?" She asked as I didn't let her go

"They got in to it, pretty bad, I already spoke to ash" Andrea whispered to my mom

"Kristina?" My mom looked down at me And I had tears in my eyes

"Andrea, we'll be right back, the other should be here in like thirty minutes or so!" My mom said walking with me to the dining room

"Sit down Mariel, what's going on" she said and I just started balling my eyes out

"Oh, mi, es tan malo" (is it that bad?)" She asked I nodded my head

I just spilled my guts out to her, I've never talk to my mom like this.

"I just don't know how she hate me so much!"

"Mina she does not hate you, and we all know that even y'all daughter knows how much y'all love her, y'all should be the first to know that about each other!" She said

"Y'all need to learn how to communicate with one another, because this isn't good for y'all or that child that's going to grow up in this house and see y'all hitting and yell at each other!" She said

"I have never loved someone so much that I wanted to leave!".

"That means you don't wanna leave your just mad and we all have loved someone so much we couldn't think right! But at some point you have to talk, and I mean talk Kristina Cortez, if you aren't pig headed like your father, senor ayudame ( lord help me)" she laughed

"I know" I wiped my face

"Just give each other some space okay, just both of y'all relax for a little while!" She said

"Yes ma'am" she hugged me again

Ding dong

"Come on I'm pretty sure that's boo and peaches crazy self" she held my hand, my left hand at that

I didn't even tell her I took my ring off, she squoze my hand so damn bad.

"You didn't?" She said, I didn't even look at her

"Chica que se que no? Perdiste la cabeza?" (Girl I know you did not? Did you lose your mind?")

"You hear me talking to you!" She asked


"Don't you ever take that ring off your finger unless you are one hundred percent ready to leave the mother of your child do you hear me?"

"Yes, mom that hurts" she let go of my hand

She so damn strong, then she just started talking crazy in Spanish I just tuned her out. I'm not even fake being happy I just can't.

I just went and opened the door.

"Hola, chica" aunt boo said hugging me

"Hey Tia" I said I was happy I just couldn't ash and what happened out my mind

"Dang ma could have helped with yo bags dead ass heavy" peaches came through the door

I'm The Girl Next Door |TRILOLOGY|Where stories live. Discover now