"Don't worry about it, Yo baby. We always bicker, the three of us. He'll come to his senses soon enough, and he'll realized that you are as real as I am and he is." Phana whispered as he slowly kissed Wayo's neck.

"P'Pha, let's go on a date tonight." Wayo suddenly beamed. Phana frowned as he looked at Wayo weirdly.

"Date where? You know I am not allowed to go out of the hospital." Phana stated.

"Well, I know a secret place in the hospital where we can have a date." Wayo giggled as he tried to hide his excitement.

"Now? Where is it? Tell me." Phana asked. He is starting to get excited as well. It's been a while since they last go to date.

"Well, why tell when I can show you the place? Let's go now!" Wayo replied as he got up and pulled Phana's hands.

Phana got up and followed Wayo as he brought Phana out of the room. Both of them tried to keep their voices and foot steps sound to the minimum as Wayo didn't want anyone to interrupt their date.


"Pha, it's time for your meds!" Beam yelled as he went into the room while carrying a tray of food and Phana's medicine.

"Ai'Pha! Where are you?" Beam yelled again as he put the tray on the table. He looked around and saw no sign of Phana. He went to check the bathroom but still no sign of Phana there.

Beam pulled his phone out and immediately contacted Kit.

"Ai'Kit! Where is Pha?" Beam asked. Kit was startled with Beam's question.

"I left him in his room. Maybe he went out at the park?" Kit replied.

"Shit. Come around and help me find him. Ask your boyfriend to come along." Beam said as worry started to rise in his head.

Phana never went out of his room since he was admitted. He knows that. Something must have happened to him. Beam started to feel uneasy. He quickly dialed Forth's number.


Forth was the first one to arrive at the hospital since he was already on his way to bring food to Beam.

He ran to Beam's room and put the food on the table. Beam is not in the room, and he was well aware that Beam was finding Phana. He was about to call Beam to ask his whereabouts when he heard a familiar voice coming from the outside of the room.

"Are you saying we are going to see the stars? Okay. I'll follow you."

The voice was slow, but Forth was very sure that it was Phana's. He went out of the room immediately to tell Phana that Beam was looking for him, but he saw no one was outside. Forth quickly called Beam to inform Beam about it while looking around.


"Are we going up?" Phana asked Wayo softly. Wayo nodded and put his index finger on Phana's mouth, telling him to just follow him.

Phana just smiled as he followed Wayo up the stairs. Wayo opened the door that leads outside and Phana can smell the fresh air outside. Together with Wayo, he stepped out through the door.

"Yo, this is beautiful. I never thought of coming here before. This is so nice!" Phana said in amazement as he looked at the stars above him.

The sky was dark, so the stars can be clearly seen. It's been three years since Phana last saw the stars, and with Wayo by his side, he couldn't ask for a better way to be happy.

He felt happy and complete now, just like the time before the accident. He couldn't bear to have Wayo leaving him again.

"P'Pha, I have to go now." Wayo said suddenly. Phana started to panic.

"No! You can't leave me again! Please!" Phana begged. He could hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Someone is coming up here.

"I can't. If you want to stay with me then please come to me." Wayo replied as he took Phana's habd in his.

"I..." Phana was at loss of words. He couldn't bear to part with Wayo, but he knew he can't be with Wayo as well.

"P'Pha, I don't have much time. I shall go now." Wayo said. Sadness was apparent on his face as he let Phana's hands go. Phana quickly took Wayo's hands again.

"Wait, I'll follow you." Phana said without thinking. Wayo smiled softly as he brought Phana close to the edge of the rooftop.

"I'll be waiting for you, P'Pha." Wayo whispered softly as he stepped towards the edge of the rooftop. "Come on." Wayo hold his hands Phana.


Ming rushed up, with Kit, Beam and Forth behind him. The only possible place where Phana can see the stars are parks, parking lots and rooftop. They had checked in all of these places, running all the way across the hospital. This is the final place that they haven't checked, and Ming was positive that Phanawould be here. He just hoped that it wouldn't be too late for them.

Ming stepped out to the rooftop, before he saw Phana was standing at the edge of the rooftop, his hands reaching out to something.

"P'Pha! No!" Ming screamed as he rushed to Phana, but he reached Phana just after Phana had stepped out into the air. He screamed when he saw Phana disappeared from his gaze.

And at the very same moment, he heard a voice he had missed a lot since three years ago, whispering in the the air.

"Welcome home P'Pha. Welcome back to me."

A/N: There will be another last chapter as an epilogue to this story. I will explain why this happens. And please don't be angry with me *bows in apologies*

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