Are you hungry?

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"P'Pha, I am back!" Wayo yelled as he opened the door. Phana quickly sat up on the bed, smiling when he saw Wayo bringing something to him.

"Smells nice! What is that?" Phana asked excitedly as he took the plastic bag that Wayo gave to him.

"Fried chicken. I bought it from the cafe downstairs." Wayo replied as he sat beside Phana on the bed and hugged Phana briefly. Phana peered into the plastic bags and saw two chunks of fried chicken.

"Looks delicious. Let me have a taste." Phana said and took a big bite of the chicken. He savours it slowly as he closed his eyes and let the taste soaked into his tongue. It's been a while since he last tasted the outside food.

"Is it good? Do you like it?" Wayo asked sweetly as he scooted over closer to Phana and took Phana's left hand and held it lovingly.

"It's really nice! Thank you my baby!" Phana beamed as he kissed the other lightly on the younger's lips. "Give it a try," Phana said as he put the chicken close to Wayo's mouth. Wayo took a small bite shyly.

"Aww why is my baby shy?" Phana teased as he put the chicken in the plastics and put it on the nightstand beside his bed. Then he got up and stretched himself up.

"P'Pha, where are you going?" Wayo asked when he saw Phana stood up. He quickly got off the bed and went to Phana.

"Relax. I am just going to wash my hands. And I need to pee. Or would like to help me with my pants?" Phana asked suggestively as he lowered his voice, trying to be as seductive as possible.

"P'Pha! This is not the time to do that!" Wayo yelled as he smacked Phana's arm. Phana just chuckled as he walked to the bathroom.

Since Phana used to be a doctor in the hospital, he had gotten the very best services from the hospital management. He got the first class services from the doctors, a room of his own with the bathroom inside, and not to mention, he got his two best friends to be his personal doctor. And now, Wayo had come every day to accompany him here for almost a week already. His life felt almost complete, except for the fact that he is still stuck in this hospital when he felt just fine.

He heard some sound coming from his room when he was peeing. He quickly finished his business and got out.

"Baby Wayo? Baby? Is that you?" Phana called loudly. He walked towards the bed and sighed in disappointment when he saw Beam on the bed.

"Hello Pha. It's time for your daily check." Beam said as he smiled softly. "Come on, sit here." Beam patted the empty bed and smiled widely. Phana just looked at Beam and sighed again.

"Are you not happy to see me, Ai'Pha?" Beam asked teasingly as he fixed the blood pressure measurement machine on Phana's arms.

"It's not like that." Phana chuckled awkwardly as he looked away. "How are you and Forth? Still together?" Phana asked, trying to divert the situation. Beam just hummed and nodded lightly.

"Yup. As usual. Ming and Kit are also still together, although I am getting more annoyed by their sweet gestures every time Ming came to visit Kit." Beam nagged. Phana huffed before letting out a soft laugh.

"You are no different when you are with Forth though. You gone all soft and cuddly when you are with him." Phana replied in a teasing manner.

"No I am not!" Beam countered and gave Phana his deathly glare. "Anyway Pha, the nurse complaint to Kit that you didn't touch your food these past few days. And you lost your weight quite a lot too, Pha. What's wrong?" Beam inquired as he wrote down some notes on the file that he brought.

"Eh, but I am eating just fine though. I ate outside food, so when the nurse brought in the food, usually I am too full to eat already. But sometimes I do eat a bit when I feel hungry while waiting for the food outside." Phana said cheerfully. Beam looked at Phana suspiciously.

"Who brought you all those foods?" Beam asked slowly.

"Wayo, of course. Did you see him when you came in just now? I wonder where did he go?" Phana replied as he looked at the door. Beam sighed before he closed the file.

"That's it for today. And Pha, please eat the food that the nurse bring okay?" Beam told him sternly.

"Okay, mommy." Phana made a face as he said that and laughed when he saw Beam glaring at him again. Beam just gave him a soft smile as he walked out of the door.


"It's true." Beam sighed as he sat down beside Kit. Kit looked at Beam in disbelief while Ming and Forth looked at both of their boyfriends cluelessly.

"The reason he didn't eat his food because he believed that Wayo came and feed him every single day. So his mind made his body believe that he is feeling full." Beam explained in details to both Forth and Ming.

"If this continues, Pha might die of malnutrition and starvation." Kit sighed deeply as he hugged Ming.

"P'Beam, is there no way to save him?" Ming asked earnestly as he held Kit's hand in his.

"There is. But we need to let Pha realized that Wayo is not real. It is just his figment of the imagination, a mere memory that his brain relived in order to overcome his depression." Beam answered and looked down. Forth rubbed Beam's back, trying to soothe him down.

"If that is the case, then we shall let Ai'Pha realized that Wayo is no longer alive." Forth said as he pulled Beam into his embrace. "We shall have our old Pha back."

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