Christmas Special

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"Merry Christmas, Mari!" Alya called out as they leave school for two weeks. Today was December 21st, the day they leave school for the Christmas break. They'll be coming back January.

"Merry Christmas, Alya! I'll see you tomorrow!" Marinette called back. She, Alya, Adrien, Chloe, and Nino were going to hang out often during the break. Adrien offered to walk Marinette to her apartment and she gladly accepted.

"So, what're you planing to give your secret Santa? And would you mind telling me?" Adrien asked. Their class was doing secret Santa and Mari got Adrien, of course. And Adrien got her, it's a troche. You guys expected that. Chloe got Nathaneal and Nathaneal got her. Nino got Alya, and Alya got Nino. Typical, but whatever.

"It's a secret." Marinette simply said.

"At least tell me what're you getting them." Adrien pleaded.

"I'm not getting them anything,"


"You didn't let me finish, I'm not getting them anything, but I'll be making them something.. Again." She whispered the last part. Deciding to make her crush another scarf, but actually succeeding to put her name on the card. She mentally face palmed herself for her actions last time. Even if that was 3 years ago, she can still remember the idiotic action.

They reached Marinette's apartment and he opened the door for her. "Do you want to stay for dinner?" She asked.

"Sorry, I can't. I have a winter photoshoot later in the afternoon.. Again." He sighed. "But if you want you can come watch!"

"We'll see. I am quite busy today, but I'll try to come. Where is it?" Marinette asked, taking out her keys.

"It's in the park close to your bakery," he said.

"I know," Marinette blankly said, forgetting to think.


"Uh-I..I know where the park is! Haha! Yeah.." She nervously laughed.

"Hehe, yeah it's pretty obvious where the park is, isn't it?" He laughed. "Well, I hope to see you there! Bye, Mari!" He walked away and waved, almost tripping down the stairs. Marinette saw it happen and chuckled lightly to herself.

She closed the door behind her, locking it and sighed. "That was close, wasn't it Nooroo?" She said. Nooroo flew out her bag and light laughed.

"It's obvious that you like him, Ms. Marinette. But somehow he doesn't notice." He said.

"Don't be so courteous, Nooroo. Just call me Marinette or Mari." Marinette walked into the kitchen to get some food before going down into the bakery to help her parents.


"Stay-a there, Adrien." The photographer said. "And a-hold-a that pose." From the corner of Adrien's eye, he saw a figure running towards the shoot, Marinette. He fully turned his head to look at his friend. (We all know she's not JUST a friend, Adrien) he smiled and waved. The photographer coughed to get his attention.

Mari waved back but stumbled and fell face-first into the snow. Good thing Adrien didn't see that. Oh wait. He did.

"Mari! Are you okay?" He ran over to her aid.

"Yeah.." She said, and wiped off the snow. Nathalie noticed that they had some female clothing included in the collection.

"Ms. Marinette. Would you mind if you could model for the female part of the collection?" She asked. "We have a dressing room over there." She pointed to a trailer near the gate of the park. Marinette was surprised by the offer.

"I-I've never done modelling before, I'm sure I'd be a bother." Marinette said, not wanting to mess up the photoshoot.

"C'mon, Mari. It'd be fun." Adrien whispered, slowly taking Marinette's hand into his. He intertwined his fingers with the flushed-faced Marinette.

"O-okay, fine. I'll do it." She gave. "But may I ask, how many outfits are there?"

"There's only 8. Adrien is in the first one. I'll go get you the outfit and get some makeup artists to help you." She walked to a trailer and walked inside. She came out a few minutes later with a sparkly white dress with long sleeves, black tights and a fury jacket. "What size are you?"

"I'm the average 17 year old girl size, I guess." She shrugged, her hand still intertwined with Adrien's.

"Then, here." Nathalie gave Marinette the outfit. "The makeup artists will bring the accessories when they come see you." Marinette nodded and walked to the trailer, holding the outfit.

"Adrien, come with me. We need to talk." Nathalie gestured Adrien to another trailer not too far from the one Marinette is in. "Monsieur, take a break."


"What did you want to talk about?" Adrien asked. He took a seat in the chair across from Nathalie.

"Marinette. I wanted to talk about Marinette." She said. "She's beautiful, talented and she's about the correct height to model with you. Not to mention, she can sew."

Yeah, she really is beautiful Adrien thought.

"We need to give her a role in the Agreste company. A seamstress perhaps. She can also model, but we'll see that in a bit. What do you think?" She asked.

"Yeah. Definitely. She did say she always wanted to work with father, or the company." Adrien said, remembering her blab about how amazing the Agreste fashion line was when they were 14. He always loved to hear her blab about well, everything.

"Great. If the makeup experts are still working, you can get some hot chocolate and take a little break." Nathalie got out of her seat and walked out the trailer to plan everything else in the following week.

"She really doesn't need makeup." Adrien dreamily sighed.

"Ya' know kid," Plagg popped out from inside Adrien's bag. "You really are in love with Marinette."

"No, she's just a friend."


A/N:MUHAHAHAHAHAA! Merry Christmas and happy holidays! ❤️🎄

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