Eleven || Proposition for You

Start from the beginning

"I'm pretty sure I put it on your calendar two weeks ago." 

"Being 'pretty sure' isn't why I pay you. Maybe you did put it there, maybe you didn't," He shrugs, oblivious to all the glares he's getting. "Next time, double-check everything. Maybe that way you don't need to call me every night telling me to come check up on you." 

After a nine-hour shift, the last thing I want to do is get into another argument with him. "Okay Talon, I'll put the next meeting on your calendar. But remember, it's always on the last Thursday of the -" 

"I know, Winifred, I have ears," He slides a burgundy-colored binder on the counter. "Here are the paychecks. Check them to see that the numbers are accurate." 

"I thought that was your job," Jill, a cloud elemental sitting at the end of the bartop, says.

Talon raises an unimpressed brow at her. "Yeah? Why don't you mind your own fucking business?" 

"I'm just saying that you shouldn't make Winnie do all the work," She growls. "Especially when it's yours." 

"Aw, poor little boy," Talon sneers. "So now that you're bffs with Winnie, you're taking her side?" 

"Maybe if you'd..." 

As Talon and Jill get into an argument, I take the binder and flip through the pages. Through the process of mental calculation, I check to make sure everybody got the amount they deserve. My heart leaps with joy at the sight of my paycheck. All I want to do right now is run to the bank and cash it in. 

Instead, I close the binder and turn back to the conversation. 

"Keep talking like that in my bar and I'm going to knock you out," Talon blows a breath of his cigarette into Jill's direction. "Like I'm going take advice from some chick who got herself knocked up by an one-night stand." 

"Talon," I say calmly. "Shut up." 

A couple of customers echo my sentiment. 

"I didn't know we managed to get so many feminists in the bar," Unperturbed, Talon turns back to me. He turns his cigarette off. "But I guess I should stop assuming that women don't value class and decency anymore." 

I watch him, saying nothing. 

He shrugs, "Just saying what everybody is thinking." 

"None of us are thinking what you're saying," Nick calls from the door, having just entered Wasteland with his mate. "Do everybody a favor and get your ass out of here before I kick to the curb." 

Everybody straightens. Zach and Cody already have their phones out, recording. Usually when Nick gets into a fight, it's annoying and costs a lot of money. But I guess people are dying to see somebody punch Talon in the face. 

"Nick," I say. "Don't." 

"This is my fucking bar, asshole," Talon spits. "Who the hell do you think you are, trying to boss me around? I can have you banned here for life." 

"Ban this!" Nick says and charges. 

I swing over the bar and kick his leg out from other him. Nick turns in midair and lands on the floor with a thud. The whole floor trembles under his weight and for a moment, there's just silence. And then, people laugh and clap him on the back. Elliot Abernathy just rolls his eyes and helps his mate up. 

Talon glares at me, like I'm the one who tried to attack him, and leaves.

"Bye Talon," I call. 

As usual, he doesn't respond. 

Nick shakes his head, his horns disappearing back into his bronzed curls, and pushes himself off the ground. He grabs one of the chairs near the bartop and sets his chin on the counter, sulking. I ruffle his hair.  

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