three | handowne high

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Monday came way too quickly.

I spent most of my time running and getting my body into my ideal shape. With finally getting regular meals and workout times, I've started to tone my body.

The rest of my time has been spent with Jackson, Ryan and Aiden. They're all very funny, and spending time with them is always entertaining.

After constantly reminding myself to not be a bitch to them, I've been able to slowly allow myself friendship with them. I'm still a bit closed off, but I've noticed the progress I'm making.

My dad and I have been able to bond a bit. It's still a bit tense, and probably will be for a while but things are getting better.

My moms old antics and arrest still haunt me at nights, as well as some unfortunate events that occurred back in B.C. A night has not gone by without me waking in a frenzy due to nightmares. I manage to sleep for a 4-5 hours before getting disrupted, but it's a lot more than I got back home so I'll take it.

I've also been working on my attitude. It's hard to not be rude towards all of these new people. I'm used new people in my life being my mothers drug addict friends, some bitch at my school, or some creepy perv on the streets, so being positive towards new people and not assuming the worst has been a struggle.

It's about time to leave for school, but I decide to do a quick look at my outfit before I leave.

I decided on a pair of high waisted black ripped jean shorts, a baggy red t-shirt that I tucked in, and Dr. Marten boots. I let my hair fall in its natural curly state to my collarbone. For makeup I decided to keep it light with just some mascara and concealer. I'm just going to school anyways.

Grabbing my bag I quickly run down the stairs and grab an apple for breakfast. Just as I grab it my dad walks in the kitchen and tells me it's time to go.

Once we get to the school my dad says he needs to go to his office, so him and I go separate ways.

I quickly make my way to the main office to grab my schedule. Thankfully it was right beside the main entrance.

Looking at my schedule while walking I see that I have English, Maths, Lunch, P.E, then History.

Shrugging, I continue to walk. It could be a lot worse.

I honestly have no idea where I'm going. I'm attempting to find my locker but it's been five minutes and I still have not found it.

I make a left, continuing to wing it, when I bump into a hard body.

Looking up I see it's Aiden. Rolling my eyes I say "You need to start watching where you're going. If I keep bumping into you I'll end up breaking my face."

Smirking, he says "I think it's you who needs to watch out, Doll."

Scrunching my nose I question "Doll?"

Aiden just continues to smirk and as he replies "Yeah, Doll, it suits you."

Shaking my head I say "No, it really doesn't, stick to Audrey would you?"

"No" he says "I don't think I will. Where were you this morning by the way? I told you we'd show you around."

"If I'm honest I forgot" I say "But even if I remembered I wouldn't have waited around."

Letting out a few chuckles Aiden shakes his head as he says "Well at least you're honest. What's your schedule like?"

Handing him my schedule I wait for him to finish reading through it.

"We have English and Lunch together. Our P.E is the same period but it will be separated by gender." he says.

Faking hurt I say "Oh shit, what will I do for a whole class without your face, Black?"

Smirking Aiden replies "Probably die from heartbreak, or maybe even daydream about me and how sexy I am."

Looking at his smirk, I begin to notice how attractive this guy is. I mean seriously it's something you only ever hear about not see. I'm never going to admit this, and I don't want to turn into a complete fangirl, but he honestly is the most beautiful guy I've ever laid my eyes on. I begin to notice how ironic my thoughts are considering his last words.

Snapping out of my thoughts before I get creepy, I play my thoughts off by saying "How'd you know? But my real question is if you know where my locker is. I've been looking for it for such a long time it's starting to get sad."

Aiden looks at my schedule, nods, and tells me to follow him. On our way to my locker we partake in friendly banter.

Once we get there I messily throw all of my stuff in, grab the materials I need, and turn to Aiden to lead the way to English.

He raises an eyebrow at me and says "That's it? No organizing, mirrors, or photo's? Nothing?"

A small smile graces my face as I say "Do I seriously seem like the type of person that would decorate my locker?"

Smirking he shakes his head and replies "No Doll, not at all."

Aiden then pushes himself off of the lockers beside mine, and leads the way to our first class.

Arriving to class with Aiden was incredibly cliche. I guess I should have assumed as much, with him being the quarterback in this small American town, and me being the new girl, as well as the coaches daughter, rumours were bound to spread.

Hoping to avoid the first day confrontation, I quickly make my way to the back of the class and take a seat with Aiden beside me.

Right as I sit down the teacher enters the class. He appears to be a middle aged man, from Asian descent. He looks to be around my height, maybe an inch or so taller, with black hair that has bits of grey in it.

Aiden leans over to whisper in my ear "That's Mr. Yau" he says "he's the best until you piss him off."

I ignore the shiver that made it's way through me as a result of Aiden being so close. I turn my head so we're face to face, but I don't realize how close we are until it's too late. With our noses practically touching I'm quick to put some space between us.

"Is he going to ignore me or make me introduce myself and tell everyone my favourite flavour of ice cream?" I ask with sarcasm lacing my voice.

Smirking, he throws an arm around my chair as he says "I don't really know, we don't get many new students here. You're kind of hot news right now, Doll. Especially being the coaches daughter."

Looking around the room I can't help but notice he's right. "Geez this town literally looks like a reincarnation of the town from "Friday Night Lights". Don't they have anything better to do with their lives?" I ask.

Shaking his head he replies "Nope, all they want to know is what your favourite flavour of ice cream is so that when they talk about you, they'll get to talk about how darling the coaches daughter is."

Smirking I say "It's cookies n' creme, but if anybody calls me darling I'm going to have to tell them to shove the ice cream up their ass."

Aiden starts laughing, a full blown laugh that draws the attention of the whole class. I begin glaring at him for being so loud. Just as I'm about to give him a mouth full he speaks.

"We're going to get along just fine Doll, just fine."

How could I glare after that?

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