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The clock had reached 9pm and you were finally off from work. You took your time card and checked out. You made sure everything was put back into place and all doors were locked. Your bus would arrive in about 15 minutes and you hurried outside. As you were walking to the bus stop, you heard footsteps coming from behind you and you suddenly sped up your pace. Just then the person quickly grabs your bag and runs off.

“YAH!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY BAG! SOMEONE HELPP!!” You started to chase after the person and kept on screaming for help. You were tired from running that you stop for a second and quickly chase after him again.

“YAHHH!!!!” You got caught up with the robber and you jumped right on his back. 

“Give me my bag you thief!” You pulled his hair and started to punch everywhere.

“Get off of me you stupid girl.” He then pulls you right off of him and you fell straight to the ground.


Just then you see a tall figure running from across the street as he tackled the guy down. The robber gets up and tries to punch the tall guy but suddenly he dodges it and grabbed the robber’s fist in midair. He smirked as he easily pulled the man forward and twisted his arm and shoved it behind his back.

“Okay okay I give up!” The robber’s drops your bag and you quickly grabbed it.

You saw cops coming your way as they grab the robber and placed him in the police car.

“Are you alright?” 

“Yes, thank you so much for helping me.”

“It’s not a problem.”

The police walks up to you both and asked if you could come with them to police station so they could ask some questions. 

“So this happened around when you got off from work?”


“And this fella here helped you get back your bag?”


“Well, do you want to press charges on this gu-

You heard your name being called and it was your parents. They came up to you and hugged you very tightly. Their eyes were watery and you couldn’t help but tear up a bit.

“Are you okay? ___ I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

“It’s okay mom, I’m alright thanks to him.”

Your mom turned her way and thanked the kind stranger who helped get your bag earlier.

“Omo, thank you so much for saving my daughter! What is your name?”

“Tao and it’s not a problem.”

“Thank you so much! Tao, you have a kind heart.”

“Sorry to interrupt but do you want to press charges on this guy?”

“No, it’s fine. I’m sure he had a good reason for him trying to steal my bag.”

Tao looks up at you and gives you a smile. You couldn’t help but to think he had the cutest smile.

As you were walking out of the police station you and Tao started to walk different ways.

“Tao! Wait.” 

“What is it?”

“Thanks again.”

He smiles and pats your head.

“No problem ___” 

“Um.. Will I see you again?”

He smiles as he started to lean closer to you. 

♥EXO IMAGINES && FACTS♥Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu