She went on to the next.
"This is not possible," she blurted out.

She continued on as every statue that falsely portrayed her kinds image, had their names.

Her heart raced as she stood there not able to move and full of confusion and uncertainty.

It was forbidden for mortals to see Angels. That meant none should have been revealed to know of their existence. Yet here these images revealed their names.


"My child, are you well?" a male voice gently asked.

Concerned eyes met hers through the mist of tears filling her gaze.
"They lied," she cried.

"It is forbidden for mortals to see them," she blurted out. "To see us!," she shook her head.

With a saddened gaze he stepped closer with a calming voice.
"What do you mean?"

"The statues. You know of Angels. They are here," a torrent of tears fell down her cheek. As she faced the male human that agreed with her.
"They are the Lord's Angels sent here to protect us," he said gently reaching for her and trying to calm her.

"They lied to me. I was told mortals were not supposed to know of our existence. Yet, I'm cast out for what I've done?"

Her chest tightened more with pain as another sob erupted from her throat. Different sensations bombarded her with so much force that her knees buckled.

A warm hand reached for her and helped her to stand. Another gentle voice spoke to her. Soon she was surrounded by another person.
"Sweetheart calm down. Is there someone we can call to come get you?" a female asked her.

No one she thought. She was alone. She had no one.

The voices swirled around her with alarm as their faces slowly began to blur.

Then suddenly another voice more stronger than the rest pierced the darkening haze around her; long enough for her to answer.

"Who can we call to come get you?"

She swallowed heavily at the growing lump in her throat. The addled sensation in her mind prevented her from focusing on the question. But she whispered the name. The name of someone who would come for her.

"Maddox Payne, Alph-," the name spilled from her lips just before her legs gave out beneath her and darkness swallowed her up.


He paced furiously before Nikki and Brody. He lost her an hour into her flight as his wolf ate up miles of land, tracking her scent. And then she disappeared.
"I have to continue looking for her." he began to leave.

The sense of impatience was overwhelming not knowing where she was.

"Maddox what if we send the trackers?" Nikki asked.

He shook his head. "I doubt they will pick up her scent it's faint. There is barely a trace of it left here."

The agonizing tug in his chest and Koda's incessant pacing was driving him mad.

"What if we drive in the direction she flew? Maybe we can search for her that way." Brody offered.

Maddox couldn't answer. The foreboding sensation that something was wrong pummeled his senses.

The Alpha's AngelWhere stories live. Discover now