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A/N I don't own DBZ

At the home of the Brief family a party was setting up for Yumi and Sabrina's birthday party. Since Sabrina was also a part of Yumi they decided to make the party for the both, meaning the destroyer family was coming. They had food set up along with caterers, games and a karaoke song for the stage.

"Oh Trunks thank you so much for helping to set up the party"

Yumi said happily wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck. Trunks smiled and wrapped his arms around Yumi's waist and giving her a light kiss on the nose.

"You know I'll do anything for you Yumi, happy birthday"



Trunks and Yumi turned around and was surprise to see Lady Sabrina and Lord Beerus already early.

"Hey Sabrina, Happy Birthday"

Yumi said happily to her other.

"Thanks Happy Birthday to you too, and hello Trunks"

"Hey, so what brought you guys here so early?"

"Well my husband wanted to be here early because he mention something that a pink blob will try to finish all the pudding"

Sabrina said rolling her eyes and looked towards her husband who was already sitting down in a chair carrying a blanket in his arms. The trio walked towards Lord Beerus and Whis and greeted them. Yumi looked at the blanket with curiosity.

"Is that Light?"

Sabrina smile

"No this is actually our new born"

Lord Beerus pulled the blanket away for Yumi and Trunks can see and they gasp because it looked exactly like Lord Beerus.

Lord Beerus pulled the blanket away for Yumi and Trunks can see and they gasp because it looked exactly like Lord Beerus

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Trunks then looked up at Sabrina.

"Where are the other little kittens?"

"They are right next to the pool"

Whis answered with a smile pointing towards Skylar, Heather and Light. Lord Beerus was starting to get annoyed with all the talking, just then Bulma came out from the house and greeted them.

"Ms. Bulma when will the food be served?"

"Honestly Lord Beerus have some patience the party won't start until all the guest arrives"

Lord Beerus leaned back on his seat and pouted as he continued to rock the baby infant in his arms. Bulma took notice of the baby and smiled.

"And who is this cutie?"

"This is Beerus the 2nd"

Sabrina said with a smile. A moment later all the guest arrives and the party began. Yuki was in charge of the karaoke machine as well as the dj. Everyone was being entertained with food, games, music and dancing. When it was time for the karaoke everyone pointed Yumi and Sabrina start them off, they happily got on stage holding the microphone.

Lord Beerus got close to the stage for he can hear his wife sing but was getting angry from all the noise preventing him from listening.


He yelled angrily and everyone was silent. Sabrina chuckled nervously at her husband reaction but was distracted when Yumi whispered something to her ear in which she happily agreed. Yumi and Sabrina got off stage and went to get Trunks and Lord Beerus pulling them on stage and together started dancing as the music began.

Don't pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I'll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don't pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don't leave me drownin' in my tears

You say you're gonna leave
Gonna take that big white bird
Gonna fly right out of here
Without a single word
Don't you know you'll break my heart
When I watch you close that door
'Cause I know I won't see you anymore

Don't pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I'll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don't pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don't leave me drownin' in my tears

Haven't I been good to you
What about that brand new ring
Doesn't that mean love to you
Doesn't that mean anything
If I threw away my pride
And I got down on my knees
Would I have to beg you, "pretty please"

Don't pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I'll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don't pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don't leave me drownin' in my tears

There's so much I wanna do
I've got love enough for two
But I'll never use it girl if I don't have you

Don't pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I'll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don't pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don't leave me drownin' in my tears

As the song ended everyone cheered, Lord Beerus enjoyed himself dancing with his wife and their children happily cheered for their parents. The party continued with presents were given to them, as well as a big cake. Skylar, Heather and Light were in the guest room asleep for their 3 hour nap. Sabrina was busy breast feeding her baby and was sitting next to her husband as he continues to devour his food along with Whis.

Lord Beerus catched a sigh coming from his wife and he looked up to see her rocking the baby in arms already finished being feed but he notice that she was in deep thought.

"Dear is something the matter?"

He asked, Sabrina lift up her head in a snap and looked at Lord Beerus and quickly put a big smile.

"Oh...I'm fine sweetheart. Im just going to put our little one in bed"

She said getting up from her seat and walking away. Little did they know Yumi was keeping a close eye on the couple, because she sensed their was something is at mist but its only the begining.

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