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Auson showed me so many things from churches to small theatres. The only thing that bothered me was that Yurio didn't even bother to call me once or try to find out where I was, but whenever I looked at Auson all my worries vanished, but it just felt wrong. Auson finally led me to a small alleyway next to a small cafe.

"If you are going to kidnap me at least don't do it in an alleyway like some FBI show," I say as Auson smiles widely at me

"Like I would kidnap such a gorgeous girl like you," Auson complimented me and I replied with a smack at his shoulder and a small blush, "Okay, okay just wait here."

Auson left me for a second leaving me alone. For those few seconds I grew worried.

Yuri. Why, why, why? Why, must you do this? Throw me out without a second thought? I sound so cheesy again. I know what I am gonna do to get him to regret throwing me like that. I am going to kick his ass in Figure skating tomorrow and then I am going to wave the money in his face and then give it to Cammile when I can. Then in Russia, I am going to surpass even Yakov and have to be moved somewhere else for an even better coach. Maybe I could live here in Italy and coach little kids while I would have a friend, Auson. OR I could open back up dad's rink in England and coach Figure Skating there and rename it to (F/N) ((Father's name)) and (Y/N) Rink! OR (L/N) Rink! That would be AWESOME! I'll show you Yurio. Back to Yurio now are we (Y/N)? Yes, yes we are.

"Hey (Y/N)!!" Auson yells as he waves a white ball with black diamonds at me

"A football?" I ask myself

"So you are European!" Auson yells, "Let's play!! I challenge you to a match."

I smirk, "Challenge accepted."

Auson grabs my hand and tugs me towards a small field next to a fairly large school. Auson tosses the ball into the grass and hands me a hair tie.

"Thanks," I say as I tie up my hair, "I hope this isn't used. My coach would kill me if I came back with him to Russia with lice."

"Really then," Auson says," Well, I am proud to say that the very hair tie in your hair is straight from the store."

"Sweet," I sigh as I move towards the ball, "You ready to go?"

"As ready as always," Auson says," and don't think I'll go easy on you because you are a girl."

"And don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a boy," I smirk as I kick the ball, officially starting the game

The rain was barely noticeable so we didn't even care, actually, we forgot that it was even there. After an hour or two of playing I officially gave up with the score 6-8. Auson had scored two more goals than I had and won the game.

"Y-You-are good," I try to say between heavy breaths

"I could say the same for you," Auson says, "You have amazing leg strength. I think you are one of the best people I have played against."

"Now you are just flirting," I say as I regain posture and grab my phone off a small bench that I had placed it on with Auson's phone, "You were really good though."

"Yeah, I want to be on the Italian Football Team one day," Auson says dreamily


"I am going to be on the (C/N) Olympic Figure skating one day Daddy!" A little five-year-old me yells as she tackles her middle-aged father

"I know you are, sweety," My father says as he combs through my hair

Yurio x Reader A Week in NovemberOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara