Chapter Nine

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*Bruce's POV*

Rose and I had hung out most the week. It was Thursday now and we were sitting in a table outside in the nice September weather. It was the last week of September, which meant that it was about to become cold and soon it would be snowing.

I was trying to help Rose with her science homework, but she just wasn't getting it. She was starting to get frustrated.

"I hate this," she said and buried her head in her hands. "It's all so frustrating. It's like I'm reading a foreign language."

"It's okay," I said, trying to calm her down. "Look, I'll try to explain it again, okay?"

Rose looked up at me. Sadness was written across her beautiful face.

"Can we take a break?" she asked. "I really need it."

"Okay. Let's take a break," I said and closed my science book.

"Thank God," Rose breathed as she closed her book, too. "Hey, I have this book I think you might want to read. It's one of my favorites. I've had it forever and I've read it more times than I can even remember."

She reached into her book bag and pulled out a book and placed it on the table. It was called The Ender's Game.

"It's a science fiction book," she explained. "And you like science, so I thought maybe you'd like it."

I picked up the book and read the back of it. It looked really interesting.

"I think I'll read it," I said. "Thanks Rose."

"No problem. Anything for a friend."

As you can see, I hadn't told Rose I liked her yet. I just kept chickening out. I was nervous. I was afraid I'd ruin our friendship with this.

Rose moved her arm to grab her bottled water that she was drinking and ended up knocking her science textbook on the ground.

"Oops," Rose said.

"Here, let me get it," I said and bent down the grab it.

"No, it's okay. I'll get it."

We both reached out for the book. Our hands brushed. I looked up in Rose's beautiful eyes and she looked back into mine. For a moment, I was contemplating kissing her, but we out moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

We both sat up to see some guy with long black hair standing not too far from us.

"Hey Loki!" Rose said excitedly. She knew him? "What are you doing here?"

"I was just out for a stroll," Loki replied. "Who's your friend Lady Barnes?"

"Lady Barnes?" I asked in confusion.

"Loki, this is my friend Bruce Banner. Bruce, this is my friend Loki of Asgard. He's a God and soon to be king," Rose explained.

"At least someone recognizes my glory," Loki said. "Lady Barnes, I was wondering if you would like to go on a walk with me before we must go in for the evening."

"Well-" Rose began, but I quickly but in.

"She can't. I'm helping her with her homework."

Loki gave me a glare. "You do not speak for the lady you mewling quim."

"What did you call me?" I scoffed.

"Both of you, stop it," Rose said, but we ignored her. I began to stand and Loki approached me.

"I think you heard me," he said in a menacing voice. "You are not in charge of Lady Barnes. You do not speak for Lady Barnes. I would appreciate it if you would let her make her own decisions and because you are hard of hearing, I will repeat myself. You. Mewling. Quim."

"Loki," Rose begged, stepping between us.

"I suggest you don't make me angry, Loki," I said, saying his name as if it was a deadly disease. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

"Oh, I've heard, Mr. Banner. But I have news for you. All of you are beneath me. I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by a mortal like you."

"Both of you stop it!" Rose cried, trying to pry me away from Loki.

"Why don't we settle this like adults?" I asked.

"Let's," Loki agreed.

He stepped back for a moment and closed his eyes. His wardrobe changed. He was wearing some stupid ancient Greek clothes. He had a helmet with horns on his head and some sort of scepter in his hand.

A group was beginning to gather around. Rose was turned, begging someone to help her stop us, but everyone ignored her.

Like Loki, I began to change. But not the way he did.

No one was more surprised as I was when I turned into the other guy. I towered over everyone. I stared down at Loki, who had a sly smug on his face.

"Look who's been unleashed. The Hulk. You'll never beat me, even has a green buffoon," he said.

This enraged me. I grabbed Loki by his feet and hung him upside down. He actually looked terrified. I was about to smash him, when I heard Rose from below.

"No!" she screeched. "Bruce, put him down!"

I looked down at the beautiful girl I was in love with. Standing with his hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down, was Tony. He was looking up at me in surprise.

"What happened big guy?!" he exclaimed. "Why are you The Hulk?! You're not supposed to be inside the school!"

I thought for a moment before dropping Loki. He landed with a thud. Rose raced up to him to make sure he was okay. I felt myself beginning to shrink. Everyone was looking at me in terror, especially Rose and Loki. I felt so horrible.

So I took off. Tony ran after me and called for me to stop, but I ignored him. I kept going and going and going. If only I could leave this school. For good.

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