Rooftop (France)

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"It was amazing how well flattery worked. Even though I only knew ten words of French."

"France, would you quit touching my butt?!" you yelled, turning around and slapping his hand away.

"Mon cher (your name), why won't you go out with me?" France whined, touching your cheek.

You slapped his hand away, glaring at him intently.

"I'll never go out with you!" you yelled, your (e/c) eyes wide and alert.

"But I-" he started.

You hurriedly turned a corner, leaving him in the dust. Then, the next day....

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" you yelled at him.

"Why are you annoying this girl, France?" England asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Because! I really, really like her, Angleterre!" France whined.

"Of course you do," he rolled his eyes.

He went up to England and took his collar, ringing him up.

"You don't know how I feel," France muttered, throwing him down with force and storming off.

England just stayed on the ground, wide-eyed at what just happened. You were stunned and couldn't move a muscle.

"W-What the...." England asked, slowly getting up and regaining posture.

Then, later on that night....

"Hello?" you picked up your cell phone.

"Bonjour, (your name)," France answered.

"What do you want, France?" you asked, sighing.

"Meet me on the rooftop of the World Conference Meeting room in five minutes," he said, hanging up.

Who knows what he has planned? You had better go so that he doesn't whine to you tomorrow. You walked up to the top of the roof to find him there in a suit with a candlelight dinner on a table.

"Je t'ai toujours aimée. Voulez-vous dîner avec moi?" he asked.

You only knew ten words of French, and you knew what he just said. I've always loved you. Will you have dinner with me? And you started to love him.

Hetalia Drabble StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang