Heartache (DeanxReader) (Fluff)

Start from the beginning

"I know." I replied to my little brother. Worry etched itself into every wrinkle on his face, just like it did on our mother's. He would never know just how much he looked like her.

"That means relationships, too." Sam narrowed his eyes at me.

I looked away, forgetting how easily he was able to read me.

He continued speaking, "Everyone we get too close to..."

Sam never did finish his sentence. The shower water shut off abruptly and out bounced Y/N. Her face was flushed and her hair dripped down her bare shoulders.

My thoughts were interrupted as Sam strided into the room.

"You sure you're not coming?" He asked, cuffing up the sleeves to his shirt.

It was tempting. I knew the bar had better whiskey than the shit that was currently burning its way down my throat. Better yet, the bar had Y/N. Whenever she entered a bar, I could see everyone's attention land on her. Her warmth radiated through her big eyes and genuine smile. Who wouldn't be attracted to that?

"Nope," I shrugged, "Not tonight."

He nodded his head and walked towards the door, waiting for Y/N to meet him there.

"See you." Sam shouted, his voice echoed down the hall.

Moments later, Y/N came out from her room. A short navy dress was hugging her skin, but what stole my attention was the jacket draped across her shoulders.

"I hope you don't mind." She said, pulling my black jacket around her.

"Looks better on you, anyways." I said. It was the truth.

"Thanks, Dean." She smiled at me before opening her small purse, reviewing whatever items lay inside of it. "See you later."

With that, she was gone.

It may have been another hour before I got up, but when I finally did it was solely because I needed to go to the bathroom.

I stopped at the mirror. My reflection stared back at me, but this time it was different. Usually, I don't look in the mirror.

Not when I wake up.

Not before I go to sleep.

If I do, I hate it. Plain as that. I never did like the man staring back, and I don't know if I ever fully will. What changed though was that this time, someone liked what they saw on me.

My fingers reached up to my cheeks, running along the freckles on my skin.

Y/N liked them.

She honest to god, found something of mine that she liked. So, I did too. Immediately, I loved my freckles. I loved that my cheeks and nose were dusted with them, and that the most beautiful woman that I had ever laid eyes on, had found beauty in me, as well.

– – – –

It couldn't have been earlier than two o'clock in the morning, when I heard familiar footsteps stumble down the bunker's staircase. I kicked the sheets off of myself and went to see the state they were both in.

"Come on." Sam mumbled, trying to hold Y/N up, but he was hardly walking himself. "Dean!" Sam shouted, his drunk self wearing a huge smile.

"Oh, it's Dean!" Y/N exclaimed, a laugh bubbling out from her lips. She gripped the edge of the staircase with both hands, leaning forward as she spoke.

I crossed my arms and raised my brows, watching the two of them stumble through the bunker like baby deer.

"Here-" Sam tossed me a pair of car keys, "We called a cab, the car is still in the bar parking lot." The keys hit the floor with a loud jingle, his aim completely skewed from the liquor.

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