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Third person POV

It's been a week of Jungkook hanging out at the abandoned house. Only once was there another kid that wanted to explore, but they ran away after hearing only the first door slam.

Taehyung found it funny when they ran away like that. He would usually use them for food but he let this one go because he has a much tastier snack in his living room.

He usually just watches Jungkook from afar. The first two days he tried to scare him off but it didn't work. It did affect him though, Jungkook doesn't go up the stairs because of that first day.

He remembers the door slam and the sound of running and even the creak from outside the bedroom. But if you asked him what happened after that all he would be able to tell you is that he ran from the house.

Everyday Taehyung takes a bite out of Jungkook. He always struggles a bit but gives in quickly, as he realises what's lived in the room he intruded on.

But then he forgets, Taehyung gives him a drop of his blood to heal the bite mark and makes him forget the bite even happened.

That's why Jungkook comes back everyday, he's blissfully unaware that he's being used as livestock.

I'm sure you can imagine how boring it is to always be alone, just watching as others enjoy themselves.

But even livestock can be a nice companion when you're bored.

Jungkook spun his head around as he felt something thud against the couch he was sitting on. He stared up at the boy with silver and dark maroon eyes.

Jungkook just watched mesmerized as Taehyung slowly walked over and sat on the couch next to him. There wasn't a single flaw on his face.

"How did you get in here" Jungkook said defensively realizing that he couldn't have walked through the front door.

"You're the one that's trespassing" Taehyung said cocking his head to the side with a smirk.

"Well yea but so are you" Jungkook said pouting. Taehyung just shrugged it off, it's not like he could really tell him he was wrong.

"So, why are you here, haven't you heard this place is haunted" Taehyung said in a taunting tone.

Jungkook relaxed when he realized Taehyung just wanted to talk. He dropped his phone to the couch and turned to Taehyung bringing his feet up onto the couch.

"I can be alone here" Jungkook said in a peacful tone. "What about the ghost" Taehyung said still not taking Jungkook seriously.

"It's not a ghost,"

"Then what is it" Taehyung said in a more serious tone.

Jungkook's answer was simple "I don't know," but you could tell he was thinking about it.

"So what's your name, I'm Jungkook"


"How old are you Taehyung"

He took a long pause before answering "18"

"Aww, that makes you my hyung, I'm 17" Jungkook said and a big smile spread across his face.

Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the the thought of him being more than double Jungkook's age and yet Jungkook's fussing over a year.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung's smiling face, he wasn't sure why Taehyung was smiling but he found it nice.

The two of them talked for a long time, Jungkook's wariness was long gone and Taehyung's feelings of superiority had followed suit.

They talked and laughed like old friends because they both knew what it was like to be alone even if they have opposite views on the matter.

Jungkook picked up his phone that he nearly forgot was next to him. "I gotta go maybe I'll see you tomorrow" Jungkook said before standing.

He waved goodbye to Taehyung and turned to leave. "What's wrong" he said as he felt a cold hand cover his eyes. "Aggh, why" Jungkook whined out as he felt his neck being pierced.

Taehyung slid his hand down to cover Jungkook's mouth. That was the only problem with getting to know livestock. They always feel like it's personal when you bite them.

"Yea, see you tomorrow" Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear his voice cold and emotionless.

Jungkook headed home clueless to the last five minutes of his life but looking forward to seeing his new friend again.

The Essance Of BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon