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Third person POV

Jungkook walked down the street that everyone in the vicinity knew. Some people avoided it while others went out if their way to walk past the infamous house.

Some people say it's the ghost of a former tenant while others say it's a demon, but everyone agrees that the house is haunted. This house is exactly where Jungkook was going.

He had overheard some boys talking about how they went there the day before. They talked about how they heard eerie noises but sadly didn't see anything.

They were your average highschool 17 year olds, loud and annoying and Jungkook was tired if it. He's introverted and likes to be alone but no matter where he goes there's always people, he can't even be alone in his room.

Jungkook stopped in front of the front door and said a little prayer to himself, hoping that he could finally be alone.

As he stepped through the door Jungkook was instantly stepping on shards of glass. The sound it made as it crunched and scrapped against the floor was unpleasant but he just powered through it.

He looked back once he was past the glass and in the living room, there laid the shattered remains of a vase scattered in the entrance.

Jungkook quickly looked through all the rooms, checking whether or not he was alone. Two bedrooms, one workout room, two bathrooms, a big living room and a big kitchen.

The house was quite large and would look really nice if it wasn't so beat up. This was demonstrated by the one bedroom that was nice, that is with the exception of the broken door knob.

Jungkook circled back around to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Seconds later he was coughing loudly as he inhaled dust, trying to catch his breath.

Jungkook was finally able to take a breath as the dust around him dispersed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

He was scrolling aimlessly through tumblr when the sound of a door slamming startled him. Instead of going to go investigate Jungkook just looked back to his phone.

A bit of time passed and again a noise rung throughout the house. The sound of someone's feet running down the upstairs hallway could clearly be heard.

"Could you keep it down" Jungkook said out before looking back to his phone. To his surprise the noises stopped.

Jungkook looked to the time as he felt his stomach growl at him, it was well past five and the sun was setting giving the whole room an orange tint.

He knew he should probably leave before it got dark but he couldn't stop himself from walking upstairs and pushing open the door to the room with the broken knob.

He looked around a bit from the messy bed to the organized closet the room looked like an average tanagers room. The stuff in it hardly even looked old. He slid his finger across the desk in the corner picking up a bit of dust.

Jungkook trust fell onto the bed. He closed his eyes and held his breath but no dust flew up. He opened one eye then the next before breathing in deeply.

The entire room smelled of Cologne and dust mixed into a musty yet pleasant combination.

Jungkook stretched out and rolled over onto his side. Immediately the window on the wall opposite of him caught his attention.

He stood up and slowly walked over to it, a confused expression on his face. He stuck his head out and looked around. He switched his attention to the floor, it was spotless.

"Huh" Jungkook said to himself, he no longer thought it was a ghost that inhabits this room, but what is it.

Jungkook spun towards the door as a floor board creaked outside if it. His heart rate increased, whatever it was he was in its territory.

Jungkook stood still for a minute waiting to be confronted for being in the room but nothing happened.

He briskly walked out of the room pushing aside the door, he quickened his pace when the sound of the door slamming against the wall was nowhere to be heard.

Once he was in the living room, the front door in sight he started to run but he froze. He felt the clutch of ice cold hands holding his arms in place and hot breath on his neck.

As pain coursed through his body Jungkook felt the hands holding him warm up. That was the last sensation he felt before he found himself on the street, his memory foggy.

Jungkook trotted down the street, holding onto the fences lining the sidewalk for support.

"Hey where were you I wanted to play games with you" Hansung, Jungkook's twin, said as he walked in the door. Jungkook hardly even recognized that he was being talked to and just said "sorry."

He walked over to the fridge and drank from the milk carton and searched for food, he was starving.

Jungkook grabbed some snacks before disappearing into his room. He ate before laying down, closing his eyes and slowly fading from consciousness.

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