Chapter 8 I Knew Him?

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I thought it would be impossible to be any colder when I was outside. I was proven wrong. The air was damp and the cold air made me sneeze immediately. What have I gotten myself into now? With another sneeze, I feel a brisk wind then an echo sounds.

The rats begin to squeak and the scent of dirt is becoming too much. One of the loud ass rats run over my foot, and by the weight of it, I can tell it was no country mouse.

Standing and shivering here isn't going to work out. I might not be able to see in the inky black darkness, but I sure can feel my way.

I take one tentative step forward and immediately regret it. I stepped into a very deep puddle of water. My leg up to my thigh was now wet. "Great," I mutter with my teeth chattering. I feel around the walls to find another way but it's no use as this is one straight path.

I sigh and walk further and deeper into the tunnel. With each step, I hear a new animal's sound. The rats were pretty loud but the roaches crawling on my shirt and neck was even worse. The water remained to my knees. Still, I needed something to keep me in balance in the dark. Holding along the wall half way through, I grab onto a vine that starts to move. It's scaly and lithe and thankfully moved quickly out of my gasp. As if possible, I shivered even more.

When the treacherous hour long walk was over, I felt a ladder that lead up to another trapdoor. Excited, I push it open and find myself in a room I've never seen.

Where the hell am I?

The walls are painted a cool grey. The floor doesn't have flooring, it's literally concrete and the ceiling is strangely low. This room doesn't even have windows, the light is shining through another door. Tentatively now, I close the heavy trap door as I sneak around the room.

I slowly peak through the door. Another room I don't recognize.

"Yes, sir. Right away," says a male voice.

He appears in my line of view and I see a new guy I've never seen before. To my surprise, I find who he is talking to and it is Hanson. "Go now. Quickly. Before master Abel gets even more upset."

The ginger boy runs out of view. A few seconds later, a door shuts and Hanson turns to look me directly in my eyes with a creepy smile.

Maybe he sees someone else or thought of something funny.

Of course, not.

He stares at me with that same sly grin, looking me over with the one stream of light over my face.

Fuck it.

What's the worst that can happen now?

I step out of the tiny room and into a wooden paneled basement. The windows in this room are high up and snow covered grass is covering half of them. I take a few cautious steps out of the room. He does nothing, but just looks at me creepily with a smile on his face. I press myself against the wall and watch him for any moves. When I get half way through to where he stood, he walks my way and I'm frozen in fear. His hair always seemed so greasy, he may as well just cut it. Cold hands grab my wet arms and pin me on the wall.

"I saw what you and the gardener were doing in the shed."


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