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I've decided to just say I need 50 comments, reads, and votes for the next chapter. I at least need some kind of number to keep my book active. So 50 will be the set number from here on out.

But, it's set. My next book will be about Dave. I'll write that book when I'm finished with this one. Who will read? 💭

What things do you want to see in the book? I need ideas.

Idk when I wanna stop this book so it'll just go until I get tired of it😂🤷🏽‍♀️

MIND YOU THAT MY CHAPTERS ARE UNEDITED!! So you will see errors. Y'all better act like y'all know what I meant and keep reading🤣

35k reads❤️


Jumping out the car, I let Luke and Keith drag this clown out as we casually walked into the building. At this point, I didn't give a fuck who saw. He really had fucked up when he messed with MINE. I chuckled to myself thinking about how I was gone torture this fucker to death. Literally.

They sat him in a chair as he was going in and out of consciousness. I took the bottom of my gun and whipped it across his face making his eyes open. "Hmm, what to do first.." I said as I put my hand on my chin pretending to think.

I walked over to the table as I open up the drawer and started sitting everything out. "Turn my fucking music on" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear as one of them hit a switch and Pandora started to play. "Mmmm, this my shit" I said as I started to crack the fuck up.


I had called Algee over 20 Times and he still wasn't answering the phone. I sighed as I sat back and thought.. did I do something wrong? I grabbed my phone again and tried to call Keith. He answered on the 2nd ring. "What" He answered roughly. I frowned. "Okay never the fuck mind" It was silence. "Ava? Damn, my bad.. Wassup?" He hesitatingly said as I heard screams in the background.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked. "Nothing, what did you want?" He asked me as I heard him moving around and didn't hear the screams anymore. "Where are you?" I asked ignoring his question. "Is Algee with you?" I asked him. "Yeah man he is." I raised my eyebrow. "Put his ass on the fucking phone! I fucking called him millions of times and he didn't pick up!" I snapped.

"Chill, he's busy." I squinted my eyes. "What the fuck are y'all doing?" I asked. He laughed. "FaceTime me" He smacked his lips. "I just told you to chill" He said. "And I just told you to FaceTime me! Don't fucking play with me!" I said. "Bro" was all I heard before I thought he hung up on me but then I heard the FaceTime call coming in.

That's what I thought. "Where are you? Turn the camera around" I asked. "I'm bout to hang up on you. Why yo ass ain't sleep? Shit." He said. "Keith stop fucking playing with me. I will literally track this phone down and come beat your ass. Seriously." I said so seriously and he knew too. He ran his hand down his face as he turned the camera around.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I JUST TOLD YOU TO SHIT THE FUCK UP! You know what.. stand the fuck up bitch! Square the fuck up you clown ass bitch ass dirty ass low down ass nigga!" I heard who sounded like Algee. My eyes grew. Who was he talking to? "Talk to you later Ava" He hurriedly said as he tried to hang up. "I swear Tyree.." I said as I got up and started to put on my shoes. "Come get me"

He smacked his lips. "Fuck no. Definitely NOT" He said. "I DIDN'T ASK KEITH!" I screamed. "I'll be waiting" I said as I hung up the phone. I waited about a good hour until he came and got me. I got in the car and he scratched the back of his head looking at me. Something he did when he was nervous. I squinted my eyes at him. "Go on, take me to where Algee is." I said as I put my seatbelt on.

It took an hour to get there as expected. I looked up at the building to see we were in front of a warehouse. No, not a empty one. It was clearly being used. I looked at Keith as he stared down at me. He shook his head and started walking again. Once we got inside, I heard groans as I looked at Keith again. He was now rubbing the back of his head as he stared at a door.

Deciding to be nosey, I opened the door and wish I never did.. There Algee was.. on top of him that we'll never speak of again. He was literally beating him to death. Punch after punch. He never let up. My stomach started to turn as I looked to see he was barely breathing and had his eyes clothes. He wasn't even fighting back.

Before I even knew it, my feet were running over to the scene to make Algee get off of him. "STOPPPPPPPP!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. My hands were shaking as I tried to get him off but he wasn't bulging. Luke grabbed him as his chest heaved up and down never looking up at me. He shoved Luke away as he walked away and out the door.

I looked down to see his face swollen and covered in blood. Both of his feet had been ripped into shreds like paper, his fingers had holes in them, and his eyes were swollen shut. Is this why he wasn't answering any of my calls? I turned around not wanting to see anymore. My hands were shaking, I felt sick and I knew any minute I'd break out into an attack.

I bent over releasing everything I had in my stomach out. I shook my head violently trying to get what he looked like out of my head. Throwing up again, I tried to use my hand to stop it from coming out but that didn't work. This has officially made me sick. I was standing here looking at a dead man..  "Woah woah mama. Here" Elijah said as he handed me a towel. I put my hair into a high ponytail still heaving from throwing up. I turned a little to see Luke rubbing my back.

Keith had came back in the room and had cleaning tools, as he got on his knees and started to clean up the mess I made. I darted my eyes over to Woody as he opened his arms and I ran into them as I cried. I cried so hard. I cried for myself. I just cried.

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