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65 votes, reads and comments for the next chapter. Got in my feelings a little writing this, lol.

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"Wait, you're pregnant!" I said as I looked over at her. "Yes!" She yelled excitedly. Awwwww my baby was having a baby. "Oh my god, Mya awwwww" I said. "I know, I know. Everyone thought I was just on my period but I had a doctors appointment yesterday to get a check up and they told me. I haven't told Luke yet, I'm going to tell him tonight" She said. I was so happy for her.

I was about to have another niece or nephew! "Call him, call him now!" I said. "Should I?" She said as she looked hesitant." I nodded. She sighed pulling out her phone as she went to his contact. I peeped the contact name sis, cute. It was LukeyPooh🤴🏽💕

Sh put him on speaker as it was music in the background playing and Luke was singing. "Yeah baby?" He said as he continued to sing. "What you doing?" She asked him. "About to go to this block party with Ro and them. Wassup? You okay?" He asked.

"I gotta tell you something." She said as she bit her lip. "What is it girl?" She sighed. "We're pregnant baby." The phone was silent for a minute. "I'm pregnant? How the fuck I get pregnant!" He asked. Yep, my dude was high again. Mya giggled. "No baby, I am." The phone sounded as if he was moving around. "You serious? Mya don't play with me girl, shit." He said. "She is, Lulu! You're going to be a daddy!" I said, butting in.

"Awh shit, congratulations to you baby. Ima be a daddy!" He said as he shouted to Ro. "And Ava I'm coming ta beat ya ass later on, you ain't off the hook lil shit turd." He said as he busted out laughing. I rolled my eyes as she took him off speaker and continued to talk to him. Here we gooooooo. I was about to get lectured by Big Brother Luke. Not so fun to be around when he gets into that mood. But it was my fault, so I had it coming.

I seen Algee walk passed my door as I seen he was dressed up looking as if he was about to leave. I began to play with my fingers as I thought. I was wrong, I know. But did I really deserve all of that? He came into my room, as he rubbed the back of his neck standing there. "You seen my chain?" He asked, barely speaking. "It's on my dresser.." I said using the exact same tone. He grabbed it, leaving out of my room.

"Girl if you don't get yo ass up outta this damn bed and go talk to yo man." Mya said. "He doesn't wanna talk to me. You know, the "hoe". I said putting air quotes around the word hoe. "I don't wanna hear it. Go before he leaves still mad and ends up doing something stupid." She said as I sighed getting out of my bed. I left out of my room to go find Algee as I seen him standing in the mirror putting on his chain.

 I left out of my room to go find Algee as I seen him standing in the mirror putting on his chain

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He looked at me through the mirror. I didn't know what to say. "AVA!" Mya yelled. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled back to her. I sighed as I sat at the table. "I don't know what to say.." I said. "Don't say shit" He said as he walked pass me, shrugging. I grabbed his arm stopping him. "Algee, stop.. I know you're mad but you and I both know that shit you said wasn't true. I don't fucking have money like you! I can't be jobless and still be able to afford to go to school, you know that!" I said as years started to form.

"I had to do it because I needed the money. I'm behind on my payment and if I didn't come up with the money soon they were gonna kick me out of school. You don't know how that feels and never will! You will never ever have to worry about needing money again!" He clenched his jaw as he head was turned sideways. "Why you ain't just ask me?" He said.

"I don't need your money." I said. "I ain't ask you what the fuck You needed! You know me and the boys would've handled that shit! What the fuck are we here for? Show and tell? What the fuck am I here for!?" He said as he threw his hands out. "I didn't want y'all in my business. That's embarrassing!" I said.

He laughed. "You wanna know something else that's embarrassing? Seeing your girl shaking her ass in front of some horny ass niggas when she got one at home." He said. "You had me fucking looking stupid as shit!"

"You're still putting this on me even after I told you why I did it?" I said as I blinked a few times, pointing to myself. I shook my head as I let the tears fall. "I thought you would've understood. I didn't ask to be broke!" I yelled at him.

"I said what I said. You was just being selfish and went about the shit yo way so Ima go about it my way" He said as he flipped his collar jerking away from me, leaving out the door. I sat there, crying. I really fucked up. Why wouldn't he forgive me? Mya came out the room to rub my back. "I'm sorry he's acting like this pooh pooh. I'm told Luke. Algee is going where he's going so I'm sure he talk to him. He told me to tell you that he wasn't that mad at you and that he loves you." She said.

I felt a little better knowing that the boys weren't as mad as Algee. I know it's embarrassing for him, but doesn't he understand I needed money? I didn't wanna depend on him or the boys for anything. I didn't know if I could stay in this house with him anymore. I couldn't take the silent treatment and him talking to me as if I really was a hoe.

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