Apparently Everyone is Hercules

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I stare at Jake angrily, daring him to test me, "Do you want to take this outside short stuff?"

"Of course." He growls, slamming open the doors. 

I run past, him to the open field beside the school, conveniently placed for our fight. I lightly move between my feet, ready to fight. 

"You think you can trip my girlfriend and get away with it?" I yell, throwing a punch that hits Jake right in the jaw. 

He steps back, holding his face, "She is so rude, she deserved it." 

He swings at me, but I grab his hand, twist it, and flip him onto his back. Then I do a triple-backflip-dahoogy-back bend-windmill kick and knock him out with my totally realistic move. 

That's right, I am so strong I can knock someone out with one move. The crowd that has miraculously surrounded us cheers for me, and I walk away, leaving Jake to lay on the ground. Luckily, not a single teacher saw what happened and none of them ask about my bruised knuckles. 

Everybody follows me chanting my name for bullying some kid who barely tripped my girlfriend. Ah, life as a rich white dude is great. 

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