17 3 2

Two days went by and I hadn't talked to Gray since thay Sunday.
I know I over reacted a bit but you can never be to carefull with stranger's.
It was Tuesday and I had a long day of school and two tests, but that didn't bother me because it was Tuesday and on Tuesday's I always have dance classes.
Nothing could break my Tuesday, EVER.
After school, I went home and did my homework as fast as possible. When I was done I got dressed and made sure to stretch before going to the studio.
When my alarm clock went at 5:30 PM I put on my coat and grabbed my bag, with my clothes and a sandwich for on the road.
I left the house and made sure to grab my phone and keys. I crossed the street and walked up the stairs of the train station which was across the street from my house
I waited for 2 minutes and then got in when the train arrived.
While in the train listened to my music and was repeating the dance we had been practicing the last 3 lessons in my head.
I frowned when my music stopped for a seccond.
I had received a message:

Gray:' B?'

Gray:' I'm sorry. Can't we just like start over?'

Gray:' bear?'

Gray:' I can see you lurking. I know you just read my messages'

My face turned red and I quickly shut of my phone. How could I be so stupid. Ofcourse he could see that I had read the messages. I was kinda mad but at the same time grinning.
The train stopped and I had to get out.
I walked for another 10 minutes to the studio thinking about Gray.

- time skip after the dance class-

"So, there is one thing I need to discuss before you all go"
The teacher said and me and the 11 other girls turned to her.
" There is this event comming up called 4ou2. It's a show about 2 YouTubers, the Dolan twins-"
I heard a few girls gasping  for air, including one of my best friends Natacha.
"-Our studio was invited to do the intro. Let me know if you'll be able to come. And if you want to know more about these twins, I guess you could just look them up." She continued while handing out papers with information.
I stuffed the paper in my bag and quickly went home.
30 minutes later I entered my bedroom and climbed on my bed. I grabbed my phone and looked at the messages Gray had sent.
It was kinda cute that he wanted to talk with me so badly.

Yula:'okay, this is the only chance you get. We'll start over.'

Gray:' thank god! But I do want to tell you one thing'

Yula:' what?'

Gray:' Grayson'

Gray:' it's my name'

Grayson:' now it's you turn'

Yula:' it's yula'

Grayson:' that name is so beautiful 😍'

Yula:' I don't know...it's kinda unusual so a lot of people find it a weird name'

Grayson:' fuck 'em, it's a nice name'

Yula:' stop it! You making me blush'

Grayson:' then I'll keep going'

Grayson:' b'

Grayson:' e'

Grayson:' a'

Yula:' stop it!'

Grayson:' okey, I have dyslexia so I wouldn't know how to continue anyways😂'

Grayson:' so, what have you been up to the last few days?'

Yula:' not mutch, I was pissed at you. Oh and I have got a dance show comming up'

Grayson:' you dance?'

Yula:' yeah, I have been for 12 years now. Specifically contemporary dance, but I also did street jazz for a while'

Grayson:' sick. When's the show?'

Yula:' I don't know, actually. Wait lm check'

I reached in my bag and pulled out the paper. It took a minute but then I found the date.

Yula:' in five weeks, two days before Christmas'

Grayson:' SERIOUSLY?'

Yula:' yeah, why?'

Grayson:' I might go to Miami somewhere around that time aswell!'

Yula:' OMG, then I can finally meet that dude I just had a fight with and I've known for two days...'

Grayson:' are you always this sarcastic?'

Yula:'no! Not always'

Grayson:' ah well, maybe we'll know eachother better by then'

Yula:'okey, but I have to go'

Grayson:' wait what?'

Yula:' Im going to watch a movie with my brother'

Grayson:'oh well good luck....😘'

Yula:'the kiss, again!?😂'

Grayson:' yes, again. But you have to watch a movie. Go!'

Yula:'okey, okey grayson'

Yula:' byee'

Grayson:' bye'

And that's where the conversation ended. I'm pretty happy that I did decide to text him back.
I locked my phone and walked downstairs with the biggest smile on my face.
Woody had already set up the movie and had made popcorn.
We where going to watch a horror movie.


So this part was more of a fill up. I skipped most of the day so that I could go to the texts as fast as possible. I hope you liked it anyways and make sure to leave a comment and to vote.


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