s e v e n t e e n

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Gabi sat across from me at the table with Foley next to her while the guys filled in the rest of the seats.

The waiter came in soon after, giving us all menus and glasses of water. He looked fairly young, probably around Gabi's age. In all honestly, he was quite attractive too.

"Hello all! I'm Jordan and I'll be your server today" He greeted politely, "May I start you off with something to drink other than water?"

We went around the table and ordered our drinks, but when it was Gabi's turn, she was too caught up in the menu and didn't realize it.

The waiter spoke up, "And for the pretty lady?" I immediately glared at him.

Gabi then piped up from the menu, blushing and smiling at Jordan "Oops, sorry"

"No worries" He grinned, "Anything you'd like to drink, miss?"

"Umm" She hesitated before turning to Foley and whispering, "What did you order?"

Foley chuckled before speaking up, "She'll have a Bed of Roses please"

"Got it. I'll be back in a few with your drinks" He nodded, excusing himself. I did notice that he sent Gabi a pretty flirty smile on his way out, nearly making me scoff.

"What was that about, Gab?" John laughed.

"I'm not used to ordering alcohol! Plus, the drink names were so weird and I'm pretty sure the descriptions weren't even English. I had no idea what anything was" Gabi admitted embarrassedly as her cheeks turned light pink. It was absolutely adorable in my opinion.

"It's alright, love" I reassured, "You'll get the hang of it"

"I sure hope so" She sighed, "I completely embarrassed myself in front of that cute waiter"

A pang of jealousy hit me as she said "cute" waiter. I knew I had absolutely no right to be mad or jealous, but that didn't stop me.

"Nah, don't worry. He was eyeing you on the way out" Foley commented.

"Really?" Gabi asked.

"Yeah" Her best friend nodded, making her smile proudly.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long until Jordan returned with our drinks.

"And a Bed of Roses for you" Jordan smiled at Gabi as he placed her drink down in front of her, "By the way, it's on the house"

Gabi blushed as he winked at her, causing my blood to boil. Before Gabi could thank him, I chimed in, "No need to do that. I'll pay for it"

Gabi snapped her head towards me and glared, but I pretended not to notice.

Jordan awkwardly cleared his throat, "Right. Whatever you prefer, sir"

We then proceeded to order our food, letting Jordan take them down and thankfully exit the room.

"What was that about?" Gabi snapped at me as soon as he left.

"What?" I asked casually, taking a sip form my drink.

"Oh, no need to do that, I'll pay for it" She mocked me using a deep, generic guy voice.

"Darlin', you completely missed the Irish accent" I commented.

"You're a prick" She muttered.

"A prick that's paying for your drink" I hummed, causing her to glare at me even harder. I chuckled at her reaction before turning to Gerry for some conversation.

Gabi was obviously upset at me for côck blocking her, but I just couldn't help it. After watching her sit on John's lap, I couldn't bare watch her flirt with the waiter. I know it's terrible especially after what I did to her, but I just couldn't do it.

fan girl // niall horanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin