Lorenzo Dames

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All day I hadn't seen him. I had sat in my room all day hoping and hoping for my pack to come rescue me. The crazy thing Is I didn't even know who my mate's name was he had never told me.

I decided to explore around even though I wasn't suppose to. I decided to go into his office. Maybe he was there. He was probably busy. I don't know why I even took intrest into seeing what he was doing. Maybe because he was my mate. Man I hated that word now.

I reach my hand to open his door but before I could I hear voices. It sounded like that blonde bitch. I decided to be nosy and see what they were talking about.

"So what if you have a mate now?"

"I don't want you anymore we are done. Now leave" which sounded like the Alpha. They were a thing? Jealousy had tooken over me and I hated that.

"Oh come on, remember when we had the best nights together. You told me you loved me." I listen more. He loved her?

"I was drunk, and I wasn't in the right mind." He says back.

"I know you still love me, that's stupid bitch is not your mate. Your using her. What's the point?" She says. I tired not burging out.

"I'd watch your words. She will be your future Luna. And if you dare lay a hand on her your dead without hesitation." he says almost shouting. I smirk knowing I was gonna get that bitch back. 

"You don't have the guts to kill me" she laughs. I hear foot steps coming towards my way. Suddenly the door opens. She walks past me hitting my shoulder.

I walk in the office. In shock of all the information I had heard.

"What do you want?" He asks. I ignore his question.

"You guys had a thing?" I ask trying to hide my anger in my voice. I hated the feeling of being jealous over him and her.

"Don't ask questions. It's in the past. Were over. I'm focused on making you a strong Luna" he says while writing on papers. He looked stressed.

"Oh yeah. I'm suppose to be the Luna for your shitty pack" I say chuckling. It was funny that he really thought I was going to be a Luna.

"What's so funny?" He asks focusing his intense eyes on me.

His stare had an effect on me. I try to ignore it. Damn he looked so-.

Man I needed to stop. I look back at him ignoring my thoughts.

"Everything is funny. I'm not yours. And never will be" I say smiling at him. He comes closer to me making my heart race.

"Let me remind you that I am an Alpha and I could have you dead in seconds if I wanted" he says his fist now balled. It amused me I made him mad.

"What's your name? You never told me" I say curious. He looks at me confused.

"Why does that matter?" He says walking back to his desk. I follow him and sit in one of his chairs.

"Maybe because your mate. And while I'm here I might as well known your name." I say laughing to myself. Was he dumb?

"Just call me Alpha, you don't deserve to know me or my name." He says focused on his papers in his desk.

I walk closer to his desk. I look at him confused. I quickly grab his papers off his desk and look at them curiously. I wanted to get him mad. It amused me.

"What are you doing, those are important." He says trying to grab them but I just snatch them back.

"Tell me your name" I say still looking at the papers.

"It does not work like that" he says  snatching them back harshly catching me off guard. I sigh.

"You can leave now" he says guiding me to the door. I turn back.

"I want to help" I say smiling knowing his patience was low. I wanted him to burst.

"There is nothing you can help with. Now leave" he says angry now. I sit in his chair. Taking the papers off his desk once again.

His office was actually quite nice. Black walls. And a huge glass table with rolling chairs. And he had book shelfs everywhere. Old vintage pictures hung on the wall.

He looks at me as if he wanted to choke me. I look back at him still amused.

"I'm done playing fucking games Audrey" he says crossing his arms.

I spin in his chair acting as if he wasn't there. I read the papers.

It had a bunch of letters from other packs. Requests, threats, and meeting stuff. Why threats? I wouldn't be suprised though. 

"Wow, threats from other packs?" I say chuckling. I could tell know one like this pack. Who would? Suddenly his face was only inches away from mine. And his hands grip the chair.

"Are you asking to be punished?" he asks biting on his jaw. Automatically my wolf thought of things that shouldn't even in my mind. It didn't bother me though weirdly....

"What are you gonna chain me up?" I ask my breath hitched nervous. He looks at me up and down. Sending shivers.

"Audrey let me tell you that If I did you wouldn't be able to walk for for a week" he says his voice now husky and deep. He leaned in even closer.

I had no response. I was turned on more than ever. All of this was wrong. I needed to leave this situation. He suddenly leans in closer to my ear.

"Now I insist you leave, now." He whispers now using his Alpha tone on me. I get up from his chair and give the papers back to him harshly. I lost this battle. But there were more to come.

But before I could leave. I decide to get an answer I at least needed. He looks at me arching his eyebrow waiting for me to leave.

"I still didn't get your name" I say smirking.

He sighs running his hand through his hair. I look at him waiting.

"Lorenzo" he says firmly. I smile. Wow he answered.

"Now leave" he says. I look at him. I didn't get his full name.

"Lorenzo?..." waiting for him to finish answering.

"Lorenzo Dames, now leave." he says harshly. My wolf had liked his name.

"Ok, I'll leave now... Lorenzo" I say knowing it'd piss him off. Before he could go all Alpha on me I slam the door and leave.


- Okay I finally updated. Sorry if it's a short chapter. Check out my other books. :)

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