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Third person's Pov

The boys couldn't breathe because of the shock they just recieved
All of them looking at the TV screen, hearing the reports voice
Mark was going crazy, on the inside, but on the outside his eyes were green and his veins were black. The claws were showing to...
The objects around Youngjae started slightly floating and his eyes and veins were golden. Sehun was like that too. The 3 telekinetic brothers...
And the 3 hybris.....At least all three of them were alive

" Today, a gang of drug dealers was found in a abanfoned warehouse. They were in the middle of a big fight but, luckly, the cops stopped them.
The unexpected thing was that one of the members from the faimous kpop group Got7 was there, in the middle of the fight. He's Jackson Wang and when the cops found him, he was barely alive. Now he's put in the hospital."

No one dared to say anything or show any emotion. They knew they were thinking the same thing. Jackson may be dead right now.

Mark was quick to go to one of the Got7's fan site. He has a fake fan account there. He did that so he could see what the iGot7 was thinking and doing.

There was ready thousand of comments on the Jackson situation

" Is this real?"

" I can't believe this!"

" Jackson wouldn't do that?"

" Is he a drug dealer? Is he dead? What's the name of the hospital?"

" Jackson oppa wouldn't do that!"

Mark cringed at the last comment. He hates the word 'oppa' ( Eeeeey. Just like me :> )

Out of the hundret, maybe even thousands that he read, one stood up to him the most. 
This person commented a link to an article about Jackson's condition and Mark clicked it without hesitation.

" The cops said that Jackson has been beaten to almost death because he gave the other gang fake drugs "/

Mark was so angry. And so were the others because he has read the article out oud for everyone in the room to hear.  Now all of them were in their true forms. 3 demons ( Jinyoung, Yugyeom and BamBam), 2 telekinetic ( Youngjae and Sehun ) and 3 hybrids ( Mark, Chanyeol and Yoongi)
They all wanted revenge

They wanted to kill the people who have beaten Jackson and the people who are saying that Jackson is a bad person that deserves jail.
They weren't themselves anymore. They had  desire to kill

They knew they were out of control

But they didn't care

Mark was looking at them, smiling. A smile only a crazy person can have

" One rule : kill them all "


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