"Wow, congratulations!" The other woman said, giving Crina a side hun. Crina gave her a nod before she left with Harry.

Brilynn then came over since she was the last child left to sit with Crina on the chipped bench.

"Hi sweetheart." Crina said, wrapping an arm around the little girls shoulders.

"Mrs. Herrison, a word please." The principal's voice called from the entrance way. Crina got up and took a few steps away from Brilynn to talk to Mr. Gary.

"Yes, sir?" Crina asked, concern laced into her words.

"I have terrible news, Brilynn's parents have left town, no one knows where they went and no one has seen them. Their phones are all disconnected, house empty. I called them and called their neighbor to check but everything was gone. The police are now involved, Brilynn is to be brought to to a foster home in the next town over, I hate to ask this of you, but do you think you could take her?"

Who the hell would leave their own child behind while they were at school? A fucking six year old girl!

"I'll take her by the police station to get more information, thank you Mr. Gary." Crina said, masking the anger in her voice. But when she turned back to the little pigtailed gair swinging her feet her face softened but her anger rose. Brilynn didn't deserve this. Mr. Gary walked away and Crina went over to Brilynn.

"Are we going to play today?" The innocent girl asked, her bright blue eyes shining with happiness.

"Yes, darling, but first we need to stop somewhere."

The drive to the police station was enough to make Crina want to scream every single curse in the book."Excuse me, can I talk to someone on the Lyle case?"

"Lyle case? What's up?" A cop that Crina met once or twice before at a town function said, walking up to her before the man at the desk could answer.

"Well I have Brilynn and instead of taking her to a foster home I was wondering if my husband and I could take her in? This is considered child abandonment, I was wondering if I could adopt her or do something, he's really a sweet girl and her shitty parents don't deserve her."

"Well legally you can't adopt her, her parents haven't forfeited their rights."

"They left her!" Crina shouted, gaining the attention of everyone in the station. Brilynn, whom was sitting on a chair on the other side of the room looked over for a brief moment before looking away, swinging her feet with a smile on her face.

"Listen, I know this is bad but I know you, everyone in the town knows each other, you're right, they're awful. They don't deserve the kid, honestly. Okay, look you can't legally adopt her just yet but I'll tell you what. I'll move things around and I'll edit her case, I would hate to see her leave town, as would everyone else. You will be watching over her until her parents are found, I'll let you know if they give up their rights. There are legal precautions, inspections, everything else before she can legally stay with you."

Satisfied, Crina left the station but before they moved to the car Crina crouched down to make eye contact with the small girl.

"Listen, Bri, how would you like to stay with Kris and I for a while?" Crina asked seriously.

"How long?" Bri asked, her voice showing her excitement as her blue eyes lit up.

"For a very long time." Crina answered, her own smile gracing her lips.

"Will you be my new mom or something? I heard one of the cops saying that I didn't have a mommy or a daddy anymore."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Well, I'm not sad. I don't miss my mommy or my daddy. But I'm happy I'm going to be staying with you! You're my favorite teacher! I've always wondered what it would be like for you to e my mom!" Brilynn jumped up, wrapping her arms around Crina's neck. Crina stood and walked to her car, buckling the girl in before driving home.

"Kris!" Crina called when they got home. Immediately Brilynn went to play with Killian, the small red headed baby was crawling down the hallway towards them. Mihail stuck his head out from the kitchen, a pink apron tied around his waist.

"Yeah, Ry?"

After explaining everything to Mihail he nodded, absentmindedly making his pie."I think we'll need a bigger house." Crina said. They currently lived in a three bedroom, with Brilynn and a new baby coming they needed another room.

"Why, we have enough rooms." Mihail said, starting to pour the mixture into the middle of the pie.

"Actually, with one on the way I'd say we don't." Crina said casually, looking up from the pie to look at him. He nodded his head before it clicked in his mind causing him to turn to look at her, the mixture still pouring from the bowl, spilling on the floor.

"No." He said firmly "No, no? Yes? Oh my god!" He whispered, dropping the bowl to scoop her up in his arms.

In the end Crina got what she had always wanted; a family. And she would do anything to keep them safe.  


I GOT 'EM TRICKS UP MY MF-ING SLEEVE (a.k.a. Brilynn but shh)
just gotta write them.

Also, I feel like the ending was rushed but if y'all know me you'll know that I'm an impatient bıtch so it'll do
... That'll do, Donkey, that'll do.

Now that Truth is finished idk what else to do.

Date: February 19


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