She sat on my bed and I knew she was looking at me, even her other eye went to another direction. She had strabismus. One of her eyes turned inward toward her nose, a temporarily loss control of focus whenever she stared at something very close. She was wearing eyeglasses since she was a kid to correct the visual impairment. As she grew older, her condition was improving. But all the same, she was very beautiful. She got the looks of grandma Nina, and her resemblance with Zion and dad was prominent. 

"You're not getting dress yet for dinner. Grandpa and grandma are already downstairs." Crystal said. 

It was our family dinner, and I could not escape it. I have to face everyone and answer their questions - particularly about the scandal and about the Stones. It was quite a while since I last attended the family dinner. 

"I won't take long to get dress." I smiled at her. "I learned to be fast."

"Going to England changed you. You became like me." Her lips twisted a little.

"Like you? In what way?"

Crystal and I were opposites, especially when I was her age. I was loud, she was soft spoken. I cursed, she wouldn't say any mean words. I would wrestle anyone who would hurt me, while she wouldn't hurt an ant. I would plot a revenge to my enemies, while Crystal would kill her enemies with kindness. 


I smiled at her and clasped her hand. "You're not boring, Crystal. You're just being you. Kind, sweet and beautiful. Believe me, I love your personality even better."

She half hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder. "When are you going to be okay? I'm not used seeing you this way, I missed your laughter. The house seemed so sad."

I caressed her back, comforting her. "I'll be okay, just give me time. People need time to recover in sadness or misery. Just like you did when your hamster died."

She straightened but never let go of my hand. "Did you talk to Harry?"

I heaved a sigh and rubbed my temple. The mention of Harry's name brought an ache in my heart. I told Crystal about Harry, well... not everything though, I saved the x-rated information to save her innocent mind. If anyone who could keep a secret, it would be her. She wouldn't tell a soul.

"Not yet."

"Do you think you should answer his calls? It's still better to talk things over."

"Yeah, you're right. We'll definitely talk and settle our problem. I just need some time to think about what happened." I smiled at her, then stood up to change.

I was ready in ten minutes. A world record for me. I thought it was impossible before, but now, it was a very simple task. No need to waste time thinking on what to wear. 

I was seated in the living room with my family and grandparents, while waiting for the Monteiros to come. We were listening to Crystal who was playing the piano. They were drinking the white wine that Zion brought. 

They were talking about Zion's airline business in California and I was listening to them, nervous as hell at the thought that the topic would shift on me, the scandal and Harry. 

It did not take too long for dad to open the topic. I bit my lips as I pretended not to be affected. 

"The fact that he did not want to meet us, made me very suspicious of that guy. This wouldn't happen if I had his background investigated." Dad said, with his tone evident of anger. 

It became an argument between us before when he had all the men who wanted to date me investigated first. His overprotectiveness  was so annoying that I told him to stop and let me live my own life. I was not a kid anymore. True to his word, he really did stop. And now, this thing happened with that... jerk.

The Fall Of A Drama QueenWhere stories live. Discover now