A Wierd Deranged Friendship

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Lexi POV

I whined to my two VERY best friends,"Do I have to!"

My oh-so-kind friend responded,"Quit whining. You chose dare now you have to do it."

So, here I am, slowly inching my way to the heavy-set man. As I got up to him I lifted my hand. I was about to poke him when I thought I heard him talk.

"I quit!!! I'm done!!!" With that I sprinted inside wishing that they would just drop it.

I know I had chickened out but I couldn't bother that man!!!! It was wrong.

Ok so me (it-s_just_me) and my friends (anbaerb7) & (rainbowpuff13498). Its a joint account. So, if you like please follow us. But Be Warned we are CRAZY!!!!!

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