Chapter 27/The last tree

Start from the beginning

"Plus a few."

"a few select people, the city's mayor, the leader of the planet City Council, some of the sectoral representatives. You know people." Styles said casually.

"Why I do believe you are trying to impress me into signing off your check," Zoe said.

Styles smiled "Is it working?"

"Ask me after the party," Zoe said.

"Do you have any formal wear?" Styles said "your going to need it. If you don't got down to Camden block. There is a shop there call Elli's - my wife help set up the shop. Tell them I sent you. They should set you up OK."

"Why Mr Styles are you trying to bribe me?" Zoe threatened.

Styles broke out in into a broad grin "Well if  it was as simple as a price of a dress you should have said that."

Zoe smiled, "Well Harry I'm shallower than a hip bath but even I won't sign a multi-trillion deal for a dress. Throw in some shoes and I might think about it." 

"Shoes is then," Harry said turning the steering wheel. 


In the distance, Zoe noticed a single tree on the horizon. Harry drove towards it. Slowly the tree grew becoming bigger than a house. They pulled up a short distance away. The only interruption in the landscape single oak tree.

Styles got out, stretched.

"I thought trees didn't grow here?" said Zoe.

"They don't. I hope you. Don't mind. We do this once a year while we pass." Styles said.

Soon the other cars slowed and stopped. People got out. Ryder wasn't holding hands with Cathy anymore. She didn't look at him. She looked solemn. Zoe tilted her head slightly.

Styles waited and walked to the tree.

Zoe looked around. The ground was a mixture of grass and granite.

"This" Harry began pointing "is the only tree on Zarmina."

Zoe looked up. The tree was old, grey and twisted by the years on the plain. The last leaves clung to the branches. Styles went to a rectangle the size of a manhole and picked it up. He reached in and turned something. The ground shuddered, pillars emerged.

"Look at it. I grew this from a seed from earth." Styles said looking at him "In the autumn the walls emerge automatically. Forming a tomb around the tree during the deep deep winter night keeps it safe. Every day the roof closes to simulate its night. Lights inside simulate Earth day's during the planet's long night. I can tell you it cost an unbelievable amount build this. Cost a hell of a lot, but not as much as losing her did."

As he finished the others approached. Ryder was walking behind Cathy next to Alux. Jerico had travelled with Ryder and Cathy. Max was in the back saying nothing.

Under the tree, everyone stood around a marble rectangle. On the rectangle were the words 'We got to get away' were written on it. Followed by 'Elsa Styles 2995-3231'. It had been over two hundred years ago Zoe thought. Yet the pain on Styles face said it could have been yesterday. Cathy didn't look any easier. Zoe and the others hung back. As they arranged themselves a robot emerged from the ground. It was old, a house robot probably her's. Harry left it here to tend to its old mistress. The robot walked to the grave and Harry acknowledged it by name. The robot removed a oak leaf, cleaned the marble with a cloth and retreated to stand behind it. Cathy, eyes now bulging, reached out and held the robot's hand.

A silence grew naturally around them.

"It's another year Elsa," said Harry to the void. "I think you should know it's not getting any easier."

Cathy bowed her head but lifted her eyes to look at Harry.

Harry sighed. "It's supposed to get better but it doesn't. The pain is supposed to fade but it doesn't. And a tree on this world is supposed to die in winter but it doesn't. I guess you can make of that what you will...." Harry paused. "I can't forget your smile you know that? I remember your eyes when you first held our child in your arms, bright all the possibilities of forever. I even remember the red glow of twilight on your cheeks. Some things are not meant to fade. You were one of them."

Then Harry fell into a deep brooding silence.

Zoe looked around, tears streamed down Cathy's face. Alux like his father looked stony.

"I miss you," said Harry.

Cathy and Alux added an echo of "I miss you" like an amen. This broke the spell which had came over the crowd.

Harry turned to the tattered robot.

"You OK?" He said "you need anything? New battery, new hard drive?"

The machine shook it's head slowly.

" You need anything, anything at all you just tell me all right?" Harry said bending over slightly the look of concern in his eyes. "Thanks," Harry said patting the machine on the upper right arm.

Cathy came over and hugged the machine.

Zoe had seen children on earth do this with robots which had cared for them since they were very babies. Most adults knew what had feelings and what didn't and put childish things aside. Cathy's tears had stopped flowing.

"I'm busy, new block landing soon and all. I'll be back. Back before the winter sets in" said Harry.

The robot came over with a small watering jug and handed it to Harry. Harry thanked the machine and poured a small disk of rain over the roots of the Oak tree. Harry and handed Cathy who did the same thing.

Harry smiled trying to turn things around "Who wants to see a block factory?"


A/N  You may have noticed our walkabout to Action but there wasn't any action in Action so we are back. We are so back we are behind you! Science fiction! Is there any better combination between the words of 'Fiction' and 'Science'  we think not. 

Hey you know - what would be a great way to celebrate being back ? Yes that's right a vote or something. Go on it's nearly Christmas. ... RK&Reb.

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