Chapter 1 - A Helping Hand

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The group of superheroes all stood outside of a small Chinese themed apartment that was located deep within the city's heart. Everyone made eye contact with each other until Ladybug gave a nod. The spotted red girl approached the door and tapped the surface lightly with her fist.

"Hello? Master Fu, are you there? We need to talk, it's urgent" She shouted hoping desperately that he would hear her. Distinct movement could be heard inside the, and footsteps seemed to echo throughout the small building. Tension could be felt in the atmosphere by each individual, so strong that they could almost taste it. After about a minute, but what seemed like a lifetime, the door opened to reveal a short Chinese man with a grey goatee wearing a red hibiscus printed shirt. The old man smiled as he glanced around, and then gestured for them all to come in.

"Welcome young heroes, what may I help you with?" He greeted cheerfully as they all one by one made their way inside. As Chat moved through the doorway, unlike the others, he approached Fu instead, an extremely grim expression was visible on his pale masked face. But it wasn't just Chat, all of the teenagers seemed to have similar looks on their faces and Fu couldn't have guessed why.

"Sorry to disturb you sir, but we should discuss an urgent matter involving the akuma we just fought..." Chat said finally, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Fu's smile faded almost instantly, and a million thoughts began to race through the old man's head. Were they here to return their miraculouses? Were they unsatisfied with how they were handling current events? And more importantly, would he have to search for new heroes to protect a threatened Paris?

"In regard to what specifically?" Master Fu questioned during his contemplation.

"All of us agree that Hawkmoth has definitely stepped up his game since we all took on our roles," Ladybug continued on behalf of the group, "we can't keep going on like this. If you want us to protect Paris and everyone in it, we are going to need more help."

Fu simply nodded and didn't say anything, probably because the old man was still thinking. The rest of the superhero gang back a few steps away from her and looked at her in a confused manner, as if they thought she was insane. Queen Bee was furious.

"You can't be serious!" she snapped bitterly, glaring at the red masked girl infront of her.

"Yeah, we're perfectly capable of handling ourselves during battle, we don't need help. There's five of us, that'd be embarrassing!" Volpina agreed, her face turning the same shade as her red ombre hair.

Ladybug crossed her arms, stood tall and just looked at everyone else. She figured, almost guaranteed that her teammates would disapprove of her decision, after all their group of five was legendary, and the idea of being outmatched by one person who hid away in a recluse lair somewhere did kind of make them look bad. But they all knew better than anyone that Hawkmoth's akumatised victims were getting stronger and stronger with each new villain. Perhaps because they had fought so many that their actions were become predictable. Whatever the case, she knew that if their group didnt step up and seek help soon, Hawkmoth would win and then all Parisians would have to live in fear and danger.

Chat looked at his lady longingly, analysing every inch of what he considered to be her flawless face. Her beautiful rose pink cheeks, her radiant midnight blue hair and her stunning bluebell eyes. He would stare at her all day if given the chance, her smile alone could make his day. Unfortunately, for what was usually a pleasant smile had become a frustrated frown. Her eyes were like windows to her soul, by looking through them, he could read her emotions. It was negative. He didn't like it when she wasn't happy. He knew she was only trying to do what was best for the team, even if he and the rest of them didn't completely agree.

"Are you sure this is what we should do M'lady?" he questioned her gently.

Ladybug found his eyes, and he felt himself melt into a puddle of mushy happiness as she nodded at him, and he couldn't help but flash her a grin. Where she stood alone, Chat strode over confidently and stood tall beside his lady, resting an arm on her shoulder. He without a doubt trusted Ladybug with his life. He didn't know whether it was becuase he was madly in love with her or not, but it certainly helped the matter. She turned to face her partner with a soft smile and muttered a very sincere "thank you, kitty," before she turned to the rest of the group and regained her stern expression.

"You can all stay in denial for as long as you like. I could care less what you think. However the reality is that if we don't find anyone else to help us out during battle, Hawkmoth is going to win, and then all the citizens in Paris will be in danger including us. It's our duty to prevent this from happening is it not? We are supposed to put the people of Paris before ourselves. SO anyone against this decision is as bad as Hawkmoth himself!" She spat the words out harshly, each and every one impacting everybody in the room. It was clear to all that she was certainly dedicated to her role as a hero of Paris, but nobody, not even Chat, had expected those words to come out her mouth.

They all stood in silence, including Fu who just looked around expectantly at them all. It almost seemed like he was trying to make the situation even more awkward, stressful and tense then it already was.

Before long, Volpina took a very deep, almost annoyed breath in, "fiiiiiiiiiine," she sighed and walked over to the duo. "This doesn't mean I approve of this though!"

Carapace and Queen Bee finally admitting defeat, joined the rest of the group, and everybody had a group hug (Chat made sure to be next to Ladybug of course). Even though they didn't all get along at times, they each knew that they'd be nothing without each other, because they were a team.

Master Fu smiled

"So we've all agreeed on one thing then have we?" he inquired even though he already knew the answer. They all nodded at him.

"Wait, but if we are looking at recruiting people on our miraculous team, won't that require more miraculouses? Do you even have any more?" Chat frowned, breaking up the hug.

"Well not exactly, Chat Noir, there are only seven on this continent. All of you have one which adds to five, Hawkmoth has one, six, and then there's the final one which has been missing for years." he informed them all.

"Wait on this continent?" Carapace asked quickly. "Does that mean there are more miraculouses around the world?"

Fu only nodded once more, "indeed there is, young one."

They all took a moment for everybody to retain and comprehend this information. And nobody was more excited than Ladybug herself, she couldn't even begin to conceal the amount of excitement which was spreading across her face in the form of a grin.

"This is fantastic! If we can get more miraculous holders to assist us here in Paris, Hawkmoth won't even stand a chance against us!" she beamed.

Chat felt himself staring again. It was all he could do, admire her optimism and her confidence. After all, that was one of the reasons he loved her as much as he did. Her face at that very moment was a perfect addition to his list of things that made his lady perfect, which in his opinion was endless.

"Lucky for you, as I am a Guardian, I happen to know two young superheroines that live in Australia who would be perfect at what you're looking for," Master Fu chuckled as he rummaged through a photo album that was resting on his desk. He stopped at a page and then turned the book around for all of them to see. One was in complete white and various shades of blue, whereas the other was covered in multiple shades of both oranges and reds.

"These are Amber Ferox and Cannis Everdeen..."


A/N- So I chose the name for my superhero name to be Cannis Everdeen, because my superhero self will have an arctic wolf kwami, and the latin name for wolf is canis. It was the first thing that came to mind. It also makes sense because not only am I a big fan of the Hunger Games, but my character was always going to use a bow as her magical weapon. My best friend is going to be called Amber Ferox, because in Australia Dingoes are known as wild native dogs that wander the bush. Ferox in latin means wild and amber describes the colour of the coat that they have. Thanks for reading everyone :D

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