Chapter 19: History Repeats Itself(WARNING INCLUDE RAPE)

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(Warning: Rape)

Evie decided it would be a good idea to take Dizzy and the twins to the park and get her and Dizzy ice cream, meanwhile Mal had come down with the stomach flu and wanted to nap so Evie decided to take Peanut and Mini Mal with her.

Mal was in a deep sleep when her bedroom door was opened, she opened her eyes a bit thinking it was Evie but when she saw Noel she quickly sat up about to run away but was quickly pushed back onto the bed by Noel "Where are you going? We're about to have so much fun" Noel said wickedly and hit Mal on the head knocking her out.

Mal awoke with a headache and found she was tied, she cried as she noticed Noel was on top of her with a long purple dildo strapped onto her, she realized quickly she and Noel were both naked, she wished this was a weird nightmare but as Noel slipped in with one hard thrust, it became real and painful to Mal and she knew this wasn't some sick nightmare.

Three Hours Later....

Evie and the girls had arrived when she saw a note by the door she picked it up and it read "Dear Evie, I raped Mal for two hours. Love Noel<3" Evie's eyes widened as she rushed Dizzy and the twins back to the car and told Dizzy to "CALL 911 AND ASK FOR THE POLICE MAL'S BEEN RAPED" as she entered the house hoping Noel only bluffed she noticed heels and clothes and finally she broke down upon seeing Mal face covered with fake and real semen and a purple dildo still stuck inside her, she had bruises and cuts everywhere and knife had been implanted into her side, but she was still breathing, Evie rushed to her side as the girl whimpered and cried shaking her naked body exposed to the cold air, Evie broke down falling to her knees...It happened again.

4 hours later...

They had arrested Noel who admitted to everything, and Mal went to surgery for a broken arm and to get the knife out of her stomach as the handle had broken off due to Noel stabbing her with all her might, Dizzy was in shock and had to be comforted and the twins went to Audrey and Uma's dorm with Uma while Audrey, Carlos, and Jay sat with Evie and Dizzy.

Evie went into the room just as Mal had waken up, she rushed to her side and kissed her forehead, Mal smiled sadly and in a rasping voice said "History really does repeat doesn't it"? She broke down and Evie too, but Evie and Mal both knew they'd been through it and conquered before they'll do it again, and no one would ruin them, not Ben, not Noel, no one because they were together. Long Live Evil....

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