Chapter 12: Familiar Faces Pt 1

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"No way"! Mal screamed in protest as The Fairy Godmother stood in her dorm with a request that'd make the weakest man punch her with the force of a thousand horses "Come on Mal, it needs to be done, for the sake of this village" Godmother reasoned with an understanding face "I'm sorry but I don't know, I-I can't do this right now, please can we talk later"? Mal says face pale with disgust and horror "Of course Mal, take your time but at least think about it, he is the baby's father no matter how it happened" the godmother left with one last sad smile and a silent plea for Mal to visit Ben.

Two hours later...

Mal hadn't spoken since her conversation with The Fairy Godmother, Evie kept her distance knowing it was best to leave her Fiancè alone for awhile, but her distance was interrupted when soft cries came from the burrito wrapped Mal, she wasn't going to let her be sad, she had to do something "You don't have to Mal, I'm here, Jay, Carlos, Aubrey, Lonnie, Uma and all of our friends are here, you have the support of almost everyone, you don't even have to think about him, we can even go back ho-" Mal turned to face Evie rapidly shaking her head "This is home, your home, our home, I have you, I have our friends, I'm okay just shaken up...okay"? Mal reassured her Fiancè with a light sigh holding her hands in hers, Evie looked doubtful but smiled anyway "Okay" she replied as they both set into deep sleep, both too tired to even be sad anymore, exhausted in fact, very exhausted.

Mal's Nightmare

"What is it? National annoy your ex-day"? Mal snarkily says and tries to pass Ben "Even better, it's number 2 Mal, I control your every breath and as long as I'm alive, you won't be happy" Ben replies unzipping his pants with an evil smirk on his face, Mal cries trying to run but her feet were stuck to the floor for some reason, she looked into the eyes of what used to be a nice guy, a gentle giant, now? ....He really is a beast, a beast that ruined her and Evie's life, maybe... he did control her every breath, she sobbed praying to God for the first time hoping to see Evie again as her breath slipped away with every hard thrust which made his hands tighter around her neck each time, and finally? She slipped away "I love you Evie" were her last words as darkness overcame her as death...overcame her.

Normal POV

Mal jumped up causing Evie to do so too, "Mal? What's wrong"? Evie asked tugging Mal's arm but having Mal snatch back her arm and head for the door, getting her car keys also "MAL! MAL! COME BACK HERE"! Evie cried, Mal sobs "I'm sorry Evie but I have to end this" Mal says kissing Evie one final time before heading to the place where she'd finally get the closure she needs, to...Ben's dungeon.

"Evie what's going on"?! Audrey said coming out of Uma's room in a panic "Mal, she's gone to see Ben we need to go after her" Evie cries brokenly "I'll get Uma and Lonnie tell the boys to meet us in the commons, we'll get her back Evie...I promise" Audrey said and hugged her bestfriend knowing she couldn't keep her promise, she didn't know how, but Mal would be, Evie though? Audrey wasn't so sure as she threw on her shoes and hurriedly getting Uma and Lonnie into the commons as Evie ran to the boy's dorms almost fainting from worry, Mal had to make it back...She just had to.

A/n: I'm evil, I know ;)

To Be Continued...

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