‡7‡ Of Mates and Conflict

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Although he was refusing to surrender himself to the mating bond, The types of emotion coming though the bond did give Tino pause.

From a forced bond, he expected domination, the urge to surrender and obey, yet… These feelings were tender… and disarming. He couldn’t resist taking a second look at the man, or rather, his actions so far. Aside from kidnapping him and nearly forcing himself on the omega the first night they met, the alpha had never really harmed him. He quite blatantly lusted after the Fin, yet he hadn’t raised a hand against him or even used his alpha presence to pressure the omega into submitting when he resisted. He hadn’t done more than kissing, caressing and thrusting between the omega’s thighs. He would hover whenever Tino ate and drank, making sure he ate a sufficient amount, all with that intense gaze of his and stony a silence.

He just couldn’t understand this man’s angle, but for the time being he didn’t seem to be too much of a threat… that didn’t mean Tino wasn’t waiting for the other shoe to drop.

It wasn’t like he had to spend all his time in captivity in the enclosed space with the large alpha though. In the past five days, three times the alpha donned his armor and strapped his sword at his waist. Each time he would stride over to the wary omega and press a bruising kiss to his soft lips despite the protests before leaving the tent. Each time, Tino would hear and feel the earth vibrating with hundreds of hoofbeats that got softer and softer in the distance. Each time the alpha would return after nightfall smelling of burnt wood, sweat and iron while there was the faint sound of screaming, and crying in the distance. Each time he would take his pleasure from the Tino’s thighs, rubbing his scent into the omega’s skin.

On these occasions, Tino would spend most of the day alone in the tent helplessly drifting in and out of fretful sleep or simply sitting among the furs worrying about his cousins, this mating and how they could possibly get out of it all. Much like he was doing at the moment.

He knew that Lukas and Emil had to be somewhere in the encampment as well. He’d seen Lukas get carried somewhere by a blonde alpha in a red tunic, much like he was, however, he was pretty sure that Lukas was supposed to be very close to his heat on the day of their capture. He would have definitely gone into heat somewhere in the time they were being held here, and if that were true then…

They couldn’t just run away while their captors were out because there was always a portion of men left in the camp. Not to mention the ones keeping guard outside the entrance to the tent he was in right that moment. As he’d guessed, his captor was a very important person in this army. Tino hadn’t heard a single person that didn’t defer to him yet. He seemed to strike fear into them as well. There were a couple men that came a little too close to catching a glimpse of Tino’s naked form when delivering some report in a hushed voice. Their wandering eyes earned them a positively vicious growl from the large alpha. Don’t even mention those men whom it was aimed at, even Tino paled and started to tremble after hearing it. The two soldiers wisely beat a hasty retreat and a wave of reassurance came rushing into tino’s mind from the perpetually stoic alpha.

If he should return and find that so much as a hair on Tino’s head was harmed then Tino could only imagine he would be far from pleased, so there were guards watching the tent from a distance the alpha approved at all times during his absence.

Even if Tino did somehow miraculously find a way to slip past all the soldiers outside with his cousins in tow, with him completely nude and all three of  them on foot, he imagined they wouldn’t get very far.

His still wanted desperately to know if they were okay though. What were the odds that they ended up in the hands of a seemingly considerate captor like his? Especially Lukas.

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