“I’m sorry!” He put me down giving me an incredulous look.

“Come again?”

“I-I’m really sorry Alex-“

“Sorry? I spent months in that hell hole by myself and all you can say is sorry?” He scoffed.

“EVERY damn day waiting, hoping that the love of my life would come and visit me and tell me it’d be okay.”

I felt my heart break at his words. He was broken…

“Do you know what it’s like to be alone Rion?” He whispered. “To have NO ONE claim you. Isolated, unwanted.” His eyes started to water.

“I did want you! And I do!”

“BULL! You would’ve came. Even for a hello! A goodbye. Something.” His voice cracked at the last word. “I didn’t even know if you were okay. If you moved on. I thought… I thought you never even loved me? Did you love me, huh? Cause a boyfriend would surely go visit someone they loved right?” His demeanor grew angry again.

“I couldn’t do it, don’t you get it?! I couldn’t stand seeing you like that! Seeing you in a place where only pain is born.”

“So you turned a blind eye?” He grimaced.

“Please Alexion. You have no idea how I’ve felt. Fae’s been-“

“Fae!” He grunted. “FAE? That little fairy always intervened. It was her wasn’t it? She was the reason you never came. The reason I doubted how you felt for me.” He spat.

“NO! No, that’s not right at all. She’s just been trying to get me to move on.”

“Move on?” He glared.

“BUT I couldn’t.” I rushed. “I could never. Don’t you see Alex?”

He paused looking at the floor in concentration.

“I love you.” His head snapped up in shock. “Even after everything, I feel the same way. Every night, I stay up pondering about one thing!”

He gave me an unsure look.

“You.” His expression softened.

He pulled me into him and smashed our lips together. I could feel the nostalgia bleed through the desperate, heated kiss. My heart started beating erratically, just like it used to every time he kissed me. Nipping my bottom lip he pulled back.

“I’ve been dying to do that.” He whispered.

For the first time in days, I felt myself smile. “Me too.”

He pulled away lightly, picking up a ripped black bag. Looking him over, I realized his clothes were torn as well. Even though he usually wore torn clothing.

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