"What is it sweaty?"

That's it. My tears just started pouring from my eyes like waterfalls. I just never thought I would ever see her ever again in my life and with her standing right in front of me is just amazing. As if it were some...... Dream.

"I've just missed you soo much."

I said as a smile was planted on my face.

"I missed you too sweaty."

She gave  me a hug once more and giving me a kiss at the top of my head.

Why did you leave? Why didn't you stay?"

Her smile was soon replaced with a straight line. She turned and sighed.

"Follow me."

I did what she said and followed her. We walked up to what seamed like a cliff, but when we got to the edge, shock was the only thing visible on my face. Over one hundred thousand feet below was a huge pit. In the pit was all diffident kinds of habitats and areas. Some were water areas, Snowy areas, and even volcano areas. But that wasn't what shocked me. What shacked me was the creatures in those habitats. Creatures that have been told to be extinct. Dragons. Hundreds of them in all the different elements. That's how I could tell which elements the posses. Just by looking at the color of their scales and the habitat area that they were in. The one that really caught my eye was the huge red and yellow one that was in the volcanic/fire habitat. My mom looked at me from the corner of her eye and smirked. Then she brought her fingers to her mouth and let out a long and loud whistle. I had to cover my ears from the loud piercing sound. When she was done, the red and yellow dragon that I was looking at a second ago walked out of the cave it was in and spread its wings out and flew towards us, but before he got to us, a bright light surrounded his body and instead of a huge dragon, a tall man stood there. The man had red hair and dark hazel eyes. He looked up at me with a big toothy grin..... I swore I've seen that grin before..... But where?

"Mizukie! Dear, how have you been?"

Uhhhhhh........ What?

"Uh I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

All he did was smile and nod his head.

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. My name is Igneel Dragneel. I'm your father."

For some reason this doesn't surprise me at all.

"Do you by any chance know a boy names Natsu Dragneel?"

He asked.

Yeah, hes one of the strongest mages in the number one guild in Fiore. Wait, what. Let me guess. hes my long lost twin brother or something."

I say the last part in a sarcastic tone and giggle just a bit. But all the sudden, both my mom and dad began to laugh and hugging each other from the side. 

"Well actually, he is."

Wow, what a shocker. They began to laugh as mom rested her head on dads shoulder. I guess that's how you show affection to the ones you love. Love...... Wait love. I remember now. What all happened with Sting and I before I got here. How we confessed our feelings.... and kissed. I blush a little at the thought, but get serious as I ask this question.

"Am I dead?"

They stopped their giggling mood and became more serious. Then mom walked up to me.

"Of course not sweaty. See, I've been watching you and when I saw you take that attack for Sting you were slowly slipping to the side of death, but I got to you before you did and brought you here. The Dragon Palace I guess you could call it. A world between the living and the dead. Do you understand so far?"

All I could do was nod my head. I cant believe she has the power to do that. And that probably explains all the pain that was going through my body. 

"I even did the same with Sting and Rogues dragon parents, Weisslogia and Skiadrum."

Wow, not only was she able to save me, but two dragons?

"Now all you have to do is wake up."

Dad said. What did he mean wake up?

"Wait one more thing. How do you know all this?"

My mom just smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"Well its my job to know, I'm not just a wonderful mother. I'm also the Queen of the Dragons. Your dad is the King, Natsus the Prince and you my dear are the Princess."

........ Well that's nice to know....... I guess. 

"Well that's different."

All they did was laugh and then gave me a huge hug.

"Well miss you soo much sweaty."

"And don't forget to beat up your brother for not protecting you good enough."

I hugged them back tightly as a few tears slipped from my eyes. 

"I will do that."

they hugged me tighter when all the saddened my body began to fade.

"We hope you and Sting have a wonderful life and we will see you soon my dear."

But before I completely disappeared I saw all the dragons flying behind mom and dad. They all had smiles on there faces. It was a very beautiful sight to see. I'm going to miss them soo much, but they did say that I will see them again so i tried not to let it bother me, but tears were still falling from my eyes. 

"Wake up, wake up Mizukie. Wake up."

Was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

To be continued in Chapter 14 ~Staying Behind~


Sorry for updating late peoples!!!!! I really am. I just haven't been having the best summer vacation if you know what I mean. I'm doing my best to finish the story. Ant the good news is that its almost complete!!!! Yayyyy!!!! I also started an new story call The Devils Trump Card. Its a Blue Exorcist fanfic. Rin x Mizukie!!!! If you like BE I think you should go check it out!!! Well thank you to all the Dragon Claw fans!!!!!! Luv ya peoples!!!!! 

P.s~ I don't know if I want to do a sequel to Dragon Claws or not. What do you guys think?

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