Wake Up

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Chapter 13 ~Wake Up~

-Un known P.O.V-

It was dark. No, it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything at all. Not even my own hand in front of my face. To make things worse, pain was shooting through every part of my body. It was even hard for me to stand. I looked around me, hoping to find some sort of light or anything to show where I am, but to my disappointment there was nothing of the kind. Then, out of no where there was a faint sound in the distance. It seem to me as if it was a voice. But who else would be in this damn black hole? I looked around once more to try to find the source of the voice. Once again I heard it, but it was more clear this time. It said my name. I whipped my head to the direction of the voice and saw a small spark of light a few feet away from where I was now. With all the pain that flooded my body, I still brought my self to walk closer to it. When I got up to the poor excuse of light I tried to grab it but right when my hand came in contact with it all I could see was light. I shut my eyes tight to protect them from the brightness. A few seconds after, it felt like the light had vanished so I opened my eyes slowly. When I got used to all the light my eyes widen in shock from what I saw before me.

It was as if I was telaported to a whole other world. Well Practically I was. I was standing in the middle of a meadow. The grass was so beautiful and there was so many different beautiful flowers all around me. There was also a pond with an amazing waterfall. Birds, Butterflies, squirrels and all kinds of different animals running and flying around the meadow. Then I heard the voice call my name again. I looked to my left and right but there was no sign of ant human being. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I will say that it did scare the life out of me.  I whipped my head to the side and came face to face with a beautiful woman in the most beautiful white gown I have ever seen. It had a split that went through the bottom of it where her leg could be shown. She had a light shade of pink hair that went down to her mid thigh. It was almost the same color as mine, but just a little lighter. She also had the same ruby pink color eyes as mine, but her were filled with glee and happiness, while mine were more hollowed out and dead as the showed no emotion. 

"My dear, why do you look soo sad?"

She said as a smile was planted on her face.

"Uh I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

She started to giggle and soon those giggles turned into little fits of laughter.

"How could my own daughter forget her mother. It hasn't been that long since we've been separated."

Wait, did she just say...... No, this cant me. My mother disappeared years ago and I always told myself that I would never see her again. But know that I look at her more carefully, she does look like my missing mother. Himiko Dragneel.

"Your..... Your my moth-"

I was cut off by the lady taking me in a bear crushing hug, with no sign of letting go.

"Oh I've missed you sooooooo much mt darling! Look how much you've grown! Your piratically a woman now!"

She just kept hugging me as she started twirling in the hug making be not be flatly on the ground.

"So you are my-"

I was cut off once again.

"Yep, I'm your mother! Oh I just missed you Mizukie!"

She just kept hugging me as tears started to gather in the corner of my eyes.


You could barley hear what I said, but I'm guessing she did because she stopped hugging me and set me back down flatly on the ground. She whipped the tears from my face and looked me straight in the eyes.

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