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     Chapter 6 ~Related~

      -Time Skip to Fairy Tail Rogues P.O.V-

When we got to the main doors of Fairy Tail I turn to Sting, and he nodded his head as he still held Mizukie in his arms. I would have never thought Sting would actually care for a girl as much as he does for Mizukie. I looked at Roxan and told her about how we knew people that are part of this guild, and how they're nice. She smiles and nods her head as we walk threw our used to be rivals guild doors, Fairy Tail.

     -Wendys P.O.V-

I was sitting there with team Natsu while me and Lucy were talking about how stupid Natsu and Gray were to be fighting, even though they knew Erza was going to get mad. While they were in the middle of their fight, the guild doors were thrown open with a bang. Standing there was Sting and Rogue from Sabertooth. We haven't seen them since the GMG. The sound of the door slaming open stopped Natsu and Gray's fight. Everyone brought their attention to the two that were standing in the doorway. When I looked closer, I saw a girl with black and purple hair standing right behind Rogue. But what really caught my attention was the girl with the same hair color as Natsu. She was in Stings arms shaking like crazy. They walked closer to the table me and Lucy were sitting at with the girl in Stings arms.

"Wendy, we need your help. This girl needs to be healed immediately. Please help her." 

Sting said as he looked at me with worry in his voice. I stand up and nod my head.

"Bring her to the infirmary."

I yelled, and he does as I say and lies her on one of the beds lightly. The girl with black hair runs up to the bed, and picks up the other girls hand.

"Please help her."

She looks at me with pleading eyes. I could tell she was scared. I put my best smile on, and nod by head and bow.

"Don't worry I'll do my best, but I will need you to step out for the time being, please."

She's smiles at me and shakes her head. When she walked out, Sting and Rogue followed her with the exceeds right behind. But before the door closed Sting took a glance at the girl once more and said "Please be ok Mizukie."

I smile as I think that this girl must be loved dearly for them to be so worried. I raise my hands over her as they glow a light blue. She stops shaking but she starts to glow a light gold color. The glowed died down in seconds. Then I feel something that I've felt before. She seems so familiar but I just cant put my finger on it. Before I could do anything else Porlyusica came in through the infirmary doors.

"I heard you were healing some human girl. I can take it from here."

She says as she walks closer to the girl who in assuming name is Mizukie.

"UH yeah her name is Mizukie. She was brought in by Sting and Rogue from Sabertooth and her friend. But there's something that I need to ask you."

When I said that's she looked at me, clearly confused. I walked up to to Mizukie and stood at the foot of her bed.

"You see when I was healing her I felt this presents that I've felt before. It feels as if I've healed her before but in absolutely positive I've never seen this girl before. Would you please look at her for me and see what you think?"

After I told her that she walked up to Mizukie and used her healing magic on her. After a second or two her eyes became wide and she stopped her magic immediately and walked to the door.

"I'm going to talk to Makarov. Stay here, and don't let anyone in or near her."

She said as she closed the door and left without saying another word. When she walked out, I could hear everyone that was out in the guild hall ask if she was okay, but all she said was that she needed more time to heal. I looked back at Mizukie with a confused and worried stare.

"Who are you?"

     -Makarovs P.O.V-

I was sitting at my desk filling in another pile of complaints from the Magic Council. Every time team Natsu goes on a mission, they always have to destroy something, no matter how simple the task is. I'm having trouble filling them in, because I can't stop thinking about that girt that Sting and Rogue brought in for Wendy to heal. She seamed so familiar, but I cant quite put my finger on it. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door.


Who could that be?

"Come in."

I yelled as the nob to the door turned and Porlyusica walked with a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

I asked her as she closed the door with a slam and walked up to desk and stood in front of it.

"How much do you know about Natsu Dragneel?"

What? Why would she be worried about Natsu? I tell her about him being raised by a dragon and he doesn't know his real parents.

"What about siblings? Did he ever talk about having a brother or sister?"

Why would she ask me something like that? Could it be because of that girl Sting was holding?

"Not that I know of. If you want, I can ask him to come to my office, and see what he says. But why do you ask?"

She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Then she looked back up with a serious face.

"Because I believe that the human girl in the infirmary is related to the Dragneel boy in some way."

To be Continued in Chapter 7 ~Her Magic~

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