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She sat in her room, looking out of the window. She didn't find it. She didn't find the pendant. She slowly stood up and went downstairs. As usual, she was alone at home. But now she felt lonelier. Since she lost her mother. Serena went to the kitchen, thinking about making something sweet. Maybe it could lighten her mood. She started mixing the batter when she heard a beeping noise from her phone. She went to check on it and saw a notification.

"Message from Dawn." She mumbled to herself as she opened to see her text.

Dawnie: Hey Sere! Guess what?

Sere: What?

Dawnie: Still grumpy :<

Sere: Not grumpy, sad

Dawnie: Sorry Sere, but I got nothing. I even peeked around in May and Misty's lockers but all I found was JB's pics and Ash's pics

Serena doesn't reply for a while.

May and Misty! I guess it should have been obvious that they would have Ash all over their locker!

Dawnie: Oops! Not should have said that...

Sere: Say D, who's pics were more; Ash or JB

Dawnie: You better not know...

Sere: ...Spill

Dawnie: Ash..

Well that was more than just expected!

Serena slopped down onto the couch and stared at the screen for a while.

Ash, Ash, ASH!! That's all they see. If they have pics of JB, then why Ash? They should be happy with JB, cause I don't mind seeing JB with them but Ash?! Seriously?? I mean Ash deserves so much better that those- but I am not better than them? Am I? I mean, I am clumsy and shy and irresponsible. I even lost my pen-

And Serena further sank into depression. It just wouldn't end for her. All those mixed emotions- guilt, fear, sadness, rejection.

As she continued to sulk, she didn't notice that she had received 15 new notifications and 3 missed calls. All from Dawn.

Serena just read the last two texts she sent.

Dawnie: SERE!!! If u don't reply now I will assume you dead! And remember, I am not gonna be there for your funeral!! >I<

Serena laughed at this and turned to read the next one.

Dawnie: Hey, I am not serious. I promise to attend your funeral but please, Sere, you are scaring me! Just one text will do. But please reply. I am worried.

Serena knew it the instant she read the text that Dawn wasn't joking. Dawn had a habit of using any one emoji in every text and she surely would use one. And this time, she didn't. This meant that Dawn was serious. Serena smiled softly to herself as she replied.

Sere: Just lost again

Not a second passed and Dawn's reply came.

Dawnie: Sureeeee~ ;-)

Sere: Why that long 'sure'?

Dawnie: I know where you were lost? ;-D

How did she come to know?

Sere: You would be a mind-reader if you could tell what I was thinking, even though you cannot see me right now...

Dawnie: That means, I AM a mind-reader 'cause you were lost in thoughts about...

𝘝𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦- 𝘈𝘯 𝘈𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now