Doll House Part 3

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   The young  Lord glared as he was pulled back by a raging demon. Sebastian had snapped out of his thoughts as Pluto pounced on him, with the demon hound biting on his shoulder.

"U-uh, a-anyway, why haven't you guys gone into the tower yet?" Asked Ciel. "Oh, well you see, that door had a seal from the underworld, and could only be opened by a demon hound like Pluto. However, we decided to wait for you two."

   "W-wait, is that a... Demon Hound?" Grell said in astonishment. "You just realized that." Asked Kyle. "MMMMMM!!! Such a thrilling night with a beast!" He yelled.

"Anyway, I've been looking for you Pluto." "Huh?" Asked the hellhound. "Once the seal of the underworld has been placed on the door, only a hellhound could open it." Sebastian repeated.

"Huh?" Pluto continued until his collar started to glow. Pluto fell onto the ground in pain. "Pluto!" (y/n) yelled with worry. She looked at the door that was now too glowing. "Sebastian, the door is opening." (y/n) said.

Pluto then turned into his wolf form and ran into the tower. "He did it again!" Ciel said. "We might as well follow him." Said Kyle as the whole group went in. Everyone was running up the flight of stairs hoping to find Elizabeth.

When the group had reached a halfway and saw a door, which they opened and entered the room. After scanning the room, (y/n) spotted a lifeless looking Elizabeth. "There!" She yelled as they ran towards the direction she pointed in.

Ciel reached Elizabeth and started to shake her I'm an attempt to wake her up. "Lizzie. Lizzie!" He then notices her doll-like complexion. "It's looks like we're too late." Grell said. "No..." Ciel responded with sorrow in his voice.

'Poor Ciel... I don't know how to help him..." (y/n) thought sadly as she continued to watch Ciel desperately trying to wake up Elizabeth. "Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie!" He continues to scream.

He was on the verge of tears until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see that it was (y/n) comforting him. He looked back at Elizabeth with his head down as he held (y/n)'s hand that was on his shoulder.

At that moment, Elizabeth had opened her eyes. "Ciel..." She said weakly as she started at him. "Lizzie!" He said in relief. "The Ring... I'm glad you're pleased... Ciel..." She said as she looked at the ring. Ciel then too started to look at the ring.

"Perhaps the that was her gift for you Ciel, was it not..." Kyle said. 'Kyle has to be serious. He didn't call Ciel a dog or anything.' (y/n) thought as she watched the two.

   All attention that's as on the two was then lost where everyone heard a string being pulled, as well as Elizabeth's arm being raised, and right after, her body followed. Now, she was completely suspended in the air.

"Yes... Why?" We heard a too familiar voice. "Why does her body move against her will?" The voice continues.

All of a sudden, an axe was thrown her way as she caught it in the air. "Why does she want to hurt the one she love?" Elizabeth's eyes widened.

"And why does she want to kill the one that is taking him away?"

Elizabeth has a face of shock as she raised the axe and strikes at Ciel. "Ciel! Everyone back!" The others did as
(y/n) said as she carried Ciel away from harm. "(y/n)!!!" Kyle cried with worry.

The Queen's Tiger - Various!Black Butler x Demon!Reader (on hold) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat