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2017 has been crazy for the boys and I. First the boys stopped the darkness, Mary came back to life, we destroyed the BMOL aka the British men of letters. Lucifer was possessing the president of the United States, knocked up a girl and she had his baby. A boy. Castiel was helping them lucifer stabbed him.

The boys were now raising lucifer's child. Jack is his name. He looks up to dean, Sam can see how jack wants to be normal. Sam knew how jack felt. Being weird, feeling like a freak, wanting to fit in, wanting to be normal.

Jack thinks Castiel is his father and refuses to acknowledge that lucifer is his real dad. Jack said that Castiel, dean and sam were his family.
He was right. One big happy messed up family.

I remember a wise man once said "Family don't end with blood."


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