"And what do we do until then? Our children are sitting ducks here. That bastard has guns! Plural! And he broke into this house, even after all of the security measures that were taken!" Michael snarls.

"I am pulling Kevin out of school. I'll transfer him out somewhere else" Kathleen said with an air of finality.

"Well I'm going to whatever school Kevin's going" Edd quips sharply.

"Of course, dear, but this is still going to take a few days. What are we going to do in the meantime?" Kathleen asks Mr. and Mrs. Vincent.

"We have to keep a careful eye out. I'll take off from work completely and watch the house" Miriam says quietly.

"I'll upgrade the security systems in both houses. Kevin and Kathleen, you both can stay at our house. It's apparent it's unsafe here if he's able to get in so easily" Michael huffs.

"When you got home, did you set the alarm?" Kevin looked offended "Of course I did! I put the code in and hit 'Arm' just like you showed me. Edd watched me!"

"Alright, alright... I was just checking to make sure. Something happened to not make the alarm go off" she said passively.

"Thank God, you texted me when you did. Edd was on his way up to greet you at the door" he mused, turning to Michael "You sure we can stay with you guys? You guys have enough room?"

"Of course. There's more safety in numbers, after all! You can stay in Eddward's room. Kathleen, you can have one of the guest rooms and Officer Thomas, you can have the other if you find the need to stay as well" Michael says firmly.

"Thank you, but I'll stay around the Barr home. Give the illusion that everything is normal. I will be close though" Thomas assured.

Zoie tore through the kitchen with Dante on her heels while Natasha was napping with Shira curled up on the couch, chewing on a toy. Kathleen signed "I really thought having a dog would deter him from coming around..."

"He's a man on a mission. I doubt even dogs will stop him, at this point" Thomas says thoughtfully. "I'll let my men know that we're going back on high alert."

"Thank you, Officer Thomas" Michael nods his head appreciatively.

"You're all doing great and doing the best you can. We'll all get through this together" Thomas tried to console the distraught parents.

"Can we just go? I don't want to be here anymore..." Kevin hugged Edd closer to himself and buried his head in Edd's neck.

"Of course, Dear..." The Barr's gathered some clothes and stuff to stay at the Vincent's for the next week or so. Kevin grabbed Zoie's leash and hooked it on her and set Shira in Edd's hands. "Ready, Ma?"

"Yes, yes, just give us a minute..." she pulled Thomas into the kitchen. Kevin followed Edd out and crossed the street. "What do you think they are talking about, Kevin?" Edd asked, sneaking a quick kiss on the tall athlete's cheek.


"What's wrong Kathy?" Thomas asks softly.

"This is so stupid... He needs to leave them alone. I always felt that he would be constantly on me of we got a divorce, I didn't think he would attach to Kevin like he has. The kid is gay, who cares??? It's not fair to Edd for him and his parents to be uprooted but he won't go anywhere without Kevin and I just feel horrible about the whole situation."

Thomas holds the worried woman in his arms and kisses the top of her head. "There's not much we can do to change the situation right now. We just have to stay strong for the kids. I'm sure Mr. And Mrs. Vincent feel the same way. Mr. Vincent for sure; he's more focused on keeping his son safe than anything else and Mrs. Vincent seems to feel the same way. We should pray that everything remains calm until we can get the boys to a safe place."

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