"Hey." A voice speaks quietly from behind me. Not positive if they were talking to me or not, I turn around to see Calum wearing a shy smile and raindrops scattered all throughout his scruffy head of hair.

"Hi." I return a wider smile than his, pulling him in for a hug. His hands find the small of my back, pushing gently against it, he holds me close to his chest. His ear falls lightly against my shoulder, his eyes shut tightly. We hug as if we hadn't seen each other in years, even though it's only been two days. We hug as if we both needed comfort and sympathy, even thought neither of us do. It's a nice hug.

"I was just going to help Luke." He sighs, both of us pulling away cautiously, "He needs help bringing his bags up to his room, do you wanna come with?"

"I actually, I was gonna go a-" I mumble, awkwardly motioning towards the bus stop.

"Oh, uh yeah cool, cool." He nods his head, as if he knew exactly what I meant without me having to tell him, "I'll catch you later."

"Of course," I let out an uneasy giggle, backing away from Calum, him backing away from me as well.

When I arrive at Adam's frat house, it's 3:50. It's not raining cats and dogs yet, but the rain has progressively gotten worse. I run to the door to keep my head from getting any damper than it already is. I knock briefly, pulling the sleeves of my saturated shirt over my hands, attempting to keep myself as covered as possible.

A minute later the door opens, revealing Adam's roommate Aidan who I had faintly remembered from the last time I saw him, "Valerie?" He furrows his eyebrows clearly not expecting to see me, "I didn't know you were coming over."

"I'm here a little early," I look down at my watch as he opens the door further, allowing me to enter, "I hope that's not a problem."

"Well it's not a problem for me. It's just weird that you're here." He shrugs, picking up a few pieces of clothes that are scattered around the floor,

"Why is it weird? I was here yesterday." I cross my arms over my chest, shifting my weight to the opposite foot.

"It's just-," He looks up at me for a second with a smirk, before looking back down at the clothes on the floor, "Never mind. I think Adam's in his room."

"Okay thanks." I speak shortly, before heading upstairs. Why couldn't he just start with Adam being in his room, that whole conversation was absolutely pointless.

I slowly make my way down the hall. Once I get closer to Adam's room, I notice the door is opened a crack. I here scrambling behind the door, and muffled voices. I knock lightly, "Adam?" I whisper, my hand accidently pushing the door open a little too much.

My eyes widen when they meet the view of Adam going down on some girl, "Oh my god!" I yell, turning away from the site that is too overwhelming for my virgin eyes.

"Fuck" Adam swears, under his breath immediately getting off the bed and throwing his shirt over his head, "Damn it Valerie you weren't supposed to be here till 4."

I look down at my watch, "It's 3:58! Sorry I'm two minutes early, you asshole," I shove his chest hard, pushing him away from me as he tries to approach me. I turn to the girl, who clutches the covers tightly over her body. I recognize her from the party on Friday, it was the girl that shoved pass me on the stairs.

"Adam, were you even at my house on friday because you actually wanted to see me?" I ask, motioning to the girl, a bright red color painting over my cheeks.

"Valerie," He holds his head in his hands, "I am so, so sorry."

"I'm not mad, I guess I deserved this." I sigh, running my hands through my hair, "I cheated on you too, so I'm not really in the position to be making a big deal about this."

chasing love ;; cthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon