The rest of our lives

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Today is my baby's birthdays. Today Alex , me , Aria , and Jai , live in California. Austin and Nancy have started a family again. When I say again I mean again. when Nancy was pregnant with Derek, there first baby. It was about 9-10 weeks into the pregnancy. they were at an ultrasound, and it turned out that Derek had some how wrapped himself in the umbilical cord and it killed him. But that was 3 years ago. last year Nancy and Austin tried again. They now have three kids. One girl and two boys Derek is there oldest. they named him after his brother before him. Then his little brother is Ryan and there little sister is Amy. I'm the godmother. Alex and I now have 4 babies and one on the way. I have one girl and four boys. other than Jai and Aria. The others are Luke, Austin, and Zac is the baby on the way. And we adopted Austin last month. I also now work as a model with my kids.

" Alex come on the kids are about to open those presents." I said to Alex. For my oldest kids I got them a lot of clothing and a puppy .

" I'm coming Holly " Alex said caring in their puppy.

" Jai, Aria come here baby's" I said calling the kids to me and Alex

" mommy and I got you something special for your birthday do you want to see it." Alex said and they nodded there heads.

" he is you puppy." I said and the kids jumped up and hugged him.

"What do you want to name him?" I asked

"Superman!" The twins said in sync while looking at  each other.

"Ok babies Superman it is! Now go up stairs and get some sleep. We are going to have some fun tomorrow ." I said not wanting to tell them about going to Disney.

" Opay mommy." They all said its cute.

"Can Superman come in my room mommy?" Jai and Luke asked

"Go ask daddy and say please!" I said carrying them both into Alex's and my bedroom. It's really big. It's china themed. I love to write in Chinese.

"Yes my boys?" Alex said

"Can Superman sleep in our room with us daddy ......please."Luke asked this time

"What did mommy say ."

"She said to ask you!"

"Ok he can but keep your door open and no fighting or else he will sleep with your sister."

"Thank you daddy! Love you." Jai said

"Love you to buddy. Now go to sleep we are going somewhere special tomorrow." Alex said

"Night daddy night mommy! Can you tuck me in bed mommy?"Luke said

"Yes I will but you have to go in your room first. I will be in there in a little bit. Pick a book out for me to read."


"Alex how did we get blessed with beautiful children." I said crying.

"I don't know babe but we do not just one but 5. And zac will look just like you baby." He said kissing me.

"He just kicked me." I said laughing. I grabbed Alex hand and put it over my stomach.

"He is one happy baby." He said

"Yes he is."

Nancy's pov

Me and Austin have been doing good in the past 4 years. I cried when out first baby died. But it did take us a while to try again. 3 years to be exact. We now have a beautiful baby girl and two handsome boys and one one the way. She is a girl and we already named her Madison.

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