Chapter 15: A Sign is Going to Come to Me

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"Even if I'm not in here," I repeated.

"Quit your talking," the man said to me.

"No, I think I'll continue it. I'm the one you want to talk to. We might as well call it talk since we all know it's not. Let's take this outside."

"We know what you've been like recently. We've been watching you. Do you seriously think you can handle yourself against us?" he asked me with a smile.

I set my face in a serious expression. "No. I don't think I can."

I turned around and started walking towards the exit.

"Stop," he said. I did, and I turned around. He still had his gun on Mallory. "Your move."

I pulled out Kyle's gun, which was still in my pocket. I pointed it at my head. "Like I said, outside." I continued to walk out.

Once I was steps away from the door, I felt something hit me in the back of the knee. I fell, but as I did two people grabbed my arms and dragged me along. Once the door closed behind us, I looked back for a second and nodded.

I heard the alarms as the doors and windows started covering themselves up with a layer of mental.

At least that went according to plan.

I had dropped my gun when I was grabbed, and I could see we were moving closer to a truck in the lot. This was happening again. I heard footsteps behind me, and I looked and saw Kyle sprinting out, but he was too far away.

I heard a car door open right by me, and something snapped inside of me. This would not happen again.

I threw my arms out and was able to shake one grip off, and I moved to the side as used my good leg to wrap around the ankles of the man who held my other arm. He snapped my arm back, but fell to the ground.

My left arm was now flopping uselessly at my side, definitely a dislocated shoulder and broken, I thought through the pain.

I started running towards Kyle. I ran as fast as I could, but it wasn't enough. Kyle was within yards of me as I was tackled to the ground. My already broken nose smashed into the concrete and started bleeding again.

I heard a gunshot and looked up as Kyle fought of his attackers. I was pulled to my feet and towards the car again.

The person dragging me slumped to the ground as Kyle's bullet made contact. I got to my feet, but someone else got to me before Kyle did. I felt a knife at my throat.

"Don't come any closer," the man who I looked at inside said to Kyle.

"Do it, Kyle," I said. "You know they won't kill me. Do it."

He knew I wasn't talking about stepping closer.

"Please, Kyle," I said. "End it."

Kyle shook his head. "I can't."

I knew he couldn't.  I knew he spent the past year and a half trying to get me back, believing in me when I didn't, helping me when I didn't ask for it.  He did so much for me.  He cared for Brooke more than he did himself, sometimes.  We both knew it.

He couldn't do this.  I felt the weight of Ned's death, and the close call of Mallory.  I understood what Chelsea went through and how everyone wondered how they could've prevented it.  They couldn't.

I couldn't be the Brooke Kyle wanted me to be.  I couldn't be anything anymore.  However, I could save one more person.  This was the one thing left for me to do.  One last insane mission.

Kyle's words echoed through my head.  I took a deep breath.  "I know," I said as I grabbed the man's gun from his side and pulled the trigger.

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