“How about you try to set our wedding date?”

Well, that was generous of her in giving me the freedom to choose our wedding day. I just hope she won’t be to surprise what I’m about to tell her. “Does the last day of this month sounds alright to set for our wedding?” I suggested, since it was the last day my father have given me time before he would choose a bride for me if I can’t find one for myself.

Her eyes widen upon hearing the date of the wedding, which I already expected from her reaction. Then, she just relaxed and nodded. “That’s fine with me,” was all she could say.

I nodded as well. “I should start calling Tatiana to plan for the wedding and—

“Of course, this is where my proposition comes along,” she said seriously.

I stared at her before letting her continue. “Let’s hear it,”

“This would actually involve with Raine,”

Raine? Did she already tell Belle what had happen before she started getting all mean and everything every time I come to visit?

I gulped nervously. “So what does this proposition have to do with her?”

“Well . . .,” she trailed off and thought for a moment as if deciding for the right words to tell. “Raine would be leaving at the same date of the wedding.”

“Let’s have the wedding in the morning then,”

She shook her head. “It’s quite complicated you see and— did you know the reason why she came to visit me here in the first place?”

I pondered for a moment before nodding back at her. “She mentioned to me once that she was on a two month vacation leave from work,” I told her.

“Actually, that’s only her excuse for being here. The real reason why she came was that she was mending her broken heart,”

 That caught my attention.

I never knew that Raine was feeling that way since, she was all bubbly and cheerful when I last talked with her. “She hid her feelings well for me not to notice she was heartbroken.”

“Raine’s very good in hiding that kind of emotion. She doesn’t want others to know what she felt because she doesn’t want them to feel pity for her. She wanted to carry the burden alone without needing the help of others to help her.”

I can help her, that’s what I thought, then suddenly I felt anger uprising within to the man who did this to her and the cause for making her heart broken.

Unforgettable Second Chances (editing)Where stories live. Discover now