“Then tell me why Belle suddenly told me, just out of the blue, she was considering in accepting your proposal!” I yelled at him. It was a good thing it was Monday, and that there weren’t that many customers for that day.

There was still anger registered on his face, before it suddenly faded. He shot me an easy smile before walking towards my direction, I took one-step back for precautionary measures, but didn’t realized that my back was already walled from the basket of fruits from aisle.

He was few inches taller than me, so he looked down before drawing his face halfway near to mine before he said, “A gentleman never tells.”

He drew back his head with a satisfactory smile written on his face.

I could feel that my face was turning red due to his closeness seconds ago. I’ll admit that many men have done that kind of move towards me, but only in a sisterly way of affection. But with Gregory, it was different and I hated myself that I had to feel that kind of emotion.

I glared at him, but he just flashed me a grin, so I just sighed in defeat.

For now.

“So I was saying, what else do you need?” Gregory asked.

“Get some sugar and honey,” I reluctantly said, while picking out some bananas.

He raised an eyebrow before he did what he was told. When he returned and placed it inside the cart, he asked, “Why all the sweet ingredients?” while pointed the things in the cart.

“I’m making some pastries and cakes, or other desserts that are good to last at least one week,” I replied while picking out some baking tools.

“One week?”

“Yeah, I’ll be leaving after that week,” I explained while pushing the cart towards the counter. Gregory instantly took over in pushing since it was getting heavier for me to exert force. “I’ve been here for almost two months, and I’ve got back with my work.”

“What do you work?”

“Well, I’m a kindergarten teacher in a private academy. I teach basic baking and gardening for the youngsters.”

“So that explains you’re quite fond in baking,” he said while nodding.

Somehow, it surprises me that all the anger I felt for him suddenly disappeared when we started this conversation. Although, I still don’t trust him for Belle’s prospective spouse and I haven’t forgiven him for his rude actions, still I find it comfortable just having to talk to him normally.

It was the first good impression I took note of him when I met him weeks ago looking for Belle. He was a natural and pleasant conversationalist to talk with.

“I’m starting to missed Timothy and Kristy,” I said unconsciously, when we head out from the store.

“Timothy and Kristy? Are they your children?” Gregory asked as he loads the grocery bags at the back of his car.

“They are just kids at school that I missed having a conversation with,” I explained as I step inside the front seat of the car and buckled my seatbelt.

“I see,” he said as he went inside the driver’s seat and buckled his seatbelt. “Well, I’m sure you and your husband will be having that soon.”

I stared at him before he turned on the engine. “That’s impossible,” I stated, hiding a smile from him. Obviously, he doesn’t know what status I have right now.

“Why would that be impossible unless either you or your husband isn’t able?”

“Because I don’t have a husband.”

He swiftly faced at me giving me a doubtful look. “You’re joking right?”


“What about a boyfriend, don’t you have one?”

“I don’t have one since birth.”

“So if you don’t have a husband and don’t have a boyfriend since birth, then it means...,”

I glared at him. “Don’t even go there,”

“Are you lesbian?” he asked bluntly.

What?” Shocked was immediately registered on my face by his unexpected question.

“Well you did said—,”

“I know what I said but that doesn’t mean that I’m lesbian just because I don’t have a husband or boyfriend since birth,” I explained, not to gently. What was he thinking?

“I didn’t referred to it to offend you but—,”

“Just drop it, okay?”

Which he immediately obliged and drop the conversation. We rode silently going home, neither one of us spoke until we reach home.

Gregory helped me in carrying the grocery bags inside the kitchen. I offered him some tea but he just thank me for the offer but declined.

“I have some important meetings that I need to attend,” he explained.

I just nodded and accompanied him to the front door. When he bid me farewell and turned his back to walk away, I spoke.

“Just for the record, I used to have a fiancé,”

He suddenly stopped from his stride but didn’t turned his back as I continued, “Seemingly, the marriage didn’t went through since he fell in love with someone else, so I had to break the engagement for him to be with the woman he loves.”


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