George Harrison

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Imagine being perched under a tree, with your favorite book, it's autumn and the leaves are all changing. Changing from green into different shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. Your entranced in the writing of your favorite Edgar Allan Poe story, consumed by the words that horrify and overwhelm you with fright and suspense. But almost as strange as the fiction you hold in your hands are the dark almost midnight colored clouds that are consuming the sky, with out your notice. One by one they pile around the sun, making the beautiful autumn day suddenly cold and dark. You don't look up until, a loud rumble of thunder awakes you from your thoughts, you scramble to retrieve your belongings and place your paper back copy away before it gets ruined by the coming storm. Hurriedly you pick up your things and run to the nearest building that might shelter you from the emerging storm. As you run you quickly look back to make sure you hadn't forgotten anything, only to completely knock over someone in the process. You profusely apologize all over this person, although the only response they seem to give is one of a sarcastic and teasing tone. You look down to see who you practically trampled over, and realize it's your best friend George Harrison. He smirks from ear to ear. " it's alright love, no need to apologize" you chuckle. Before your eyes widen and you pull him up and grab his hand dragging him over to a nearby building, you had spotted before, colliding with your friend. Practically out of breath you both, hold onto each other for support. Just as George tries to get a word out, the rain comes pouring down, you turn around trying to get into the entrance, when it occurs to you that the building is closed. You throw your hands in the air, in absolute exasperation. George smiles and shakes his head letting out a defeated laugh. "Listen, there's something I've been meaning to tell you" you look at George slightly annoyed "really?! Is now really the best time?" He smiles. "I like you..." you just look at him slight aggravated. "Like me how?" George Just smirks, caresses your cheek and leans in pressing his lips softly to yours, your eyes widen slowly before you lean into the kiss slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and closing your eyes. Nobody around just you, George and the pouring rain.

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