Syd Barrett

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Imagine sitting on the bus on your way to school. You and your best friend, Syd were sitting together. His thick dark curly hair, hung in his eyes. Giving him a mysterious demeanor, his eyes where staring out at the passing landscape flying by the bus window. You tapped his shoulder, bored by the constant silence hanging between the two of you. He turned to look at you raising a thick eyebrow. " yes...?" He asked. You got lost in his green eyes, which had so much depth they sucked you in. "what are you thinking about?" He only smirked and shook his head. A huge goofy grin appearing on his face. " well...lots of things. What do you want to know?" All you could do was smile, " Everything" you whispered. Syd laughed "Well, we'll be here a while in that case". You rolled your eyes, " How about I tell you about this girl I like" Syd said slowly eyeing you, watching and observing slowly. You raised an eyebrow, " Well go on then" you urged rather curious "well she's quite lovely, we've known each other since we were kids, she's quite captivating, really". " do I know this person?" you asked, slightly more confused, than before. Syd only smirked "oh, very well". You looked at him confused "Well, who is it then?" Syd just chuckled "come closer and I'll tell you" before you knew it he leaned into your ear and whispered. "you". Your eyes widened, but before you could say anything, he was softly pressing his lips to yours, while gently holding your jaw. You sinked into the kiss, and linked your 16 year old fingers with his. He broke the kiss, a slight smirk, growing into a goofy grin appeared on his lips " so does that answer your question?"

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