Chapter 18: Seek

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I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "You obviously did not hear it all then. Just hear me out."

He took an intimidating step forward. "Are you going to tell me you didn't conspire with your brother to get me to like you?"

My lips parted. "No that's not! Yes, I did, but—"

"And that it wasn't all a plan to get your brother hooking up with my sister?" He added with disgust.

"Not hooking up! He just wanted to-"

"That's disgusting," Karter spat. "You two are horrible people, I can't really say that I'm surprised. I guess this will give all your friends a real laugh now huh? Look at Karter, what an idiot, thinking he could date a Murphy."

No! No! No!

"Karter, please just-"

"I'm done with all this Murphy, just leave me and my family alone. Our lives are not a game for your entertainment. I'm serious, leave us alone," he said sternly before turning on his heels once again and walked away. I watched him leave like an idiot. I couldn't move. I couldn't yell. I was broken on the inside and I deserved it. I brought it on myself.

"Liv," Jared's familiar voice came from beside me. I looked at him through blurred eyes. I saw his whole face change. He looked sad and guilty at first, but now he looked angry and determined. "Get in the car, I'll be right back."

"Jared, don't do anything—"

"In the car Liv," he guided my shoulders in the direction where he had parked the car. I listened to him because at this point I had no strength to do otherwise.

*** Jared's POV ***

All I saw was red. I know I fucked up. Big time. I never meant to hurt Livia, I never thought that doing all this was actually torturing her. I guess I didn't know her as good as I thought I did. She was a good person, of course hurting somebody else would break her. God, I'm such an idiot.

I knew at first it was just the deal, but later I could see Livia falling for Karter. I don't know how that guy did it. I would see her stare after him longingly, the way she would say his name would suddenly change, the mention of him would make her blush. I knew she was falling for him before she even figured it out herself. Heck, even Manny noticed.

And now that jerk broke her heart. That meant he broke my other half. I couldn't stand that.

I marched the direction Karter had stalked off too, I needed to find him. I saw him walking a few blocks ahead, his black hood thrown over his head. I put my athletic body to good use and ran after him. Finally reaching him, I put my arm on his shoulder and spun him around. His eyes widened in shock before it was replaced with a murderous look. He looked like he was about to beat the shit out of me.

"I get it Pierce, you feel played and heartbroken. You heard right, I did force Livia to pursue you. You would never give me a chance with Maddy. And dammit Karter, I really like your sister and would never hurt her. You forced my hand. I admit it was stupid, force you to let me date your sister if you were dating mine. But Livia is innocent in all this. Your fight is with me," I said sternly.

I could see Karter was ready to argue, but I didn't give him the chance. "She didn't want to do any of this. Before she even knew you she said she would not want to hurt another person like that. But I forced her. Me. I blackmailed her. It would have ruined her whole high school year. She was protecting herself. And even after I blackmailed her she kept trying to get out of our deal. She begged me a lot of times, but I kept threatened her to continue. What you heard in the hall? That was her insulting me. She had been giving me the silent treatment because I forced her to do this when she didn't want to. That was her telling me to shove my deal up my ass and go ahead and do my worse to her because she cares for you more than she fears me and the whole school. Don't be an idiot Karter, you had a great thing. Don't let your hurt ego get in the way. Livia is fucking perfect. You and I both know that. You think you're heartbroken now? You should see her. I swear Karter, if she still didn't like you I'd beat the shit out if you."

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