Part III • Chapter XVIII

Start from the beginning

"I do not know how you were raised and what you were taught." Payton said, looking away. "But I do know this - everything depends on upbringing. If you had grown up in the Capital, like the Adairs and myself, you would understand. We've been this from the beginning, and know the harsh need to sacrifice for a cause. If Chet has found something that he is willing to die for, then you need to let it be. Everything ends in death."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "That is so close minded, and don't quote War and Peace to me!" I pointed at him, trying not to let his words resonate. He gave me a look, and I knew it was because he didn't expect me to realize what he had done. I didn't care about shocking him though, I was defensive. Unsure.

Because I knew that I was rushing into this, I knew that Chet wanted me to go away. That he had found some kind of cause that he had been willing to fight for. But I couldn't do that; I couldn't let someone else die for me.

"You yourself said that your strategies weren't working." I told him. "And you said that this plan was good. So why are you bringing this up now?"

"A plan can be good, but it all comes down to the people who are fighting for you." Payton frowned. "And it is a good plan. But I didn't realize how involved you were, your face ever since we got here has given that away. You don't trust the district six tribute. I can tell. And you need to listen to your instincts, and you need to learn patience."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn't have time for patience, time was running out in general. If we didn't do something soon then Chet would die.

I had to take that risk, and hopefully my feelings about Jay were only paranoia.

"I'm following your plan," Payton waved a hand as he began to walk away, "but I'm still going to go check things out.


Seconds continued to tick by, and slow minutes passed. Until I couldn't deny it anymore, it had been longer than the fifteen minutes Payton had requested.

And no one had come back.

I should retreat, Payton had asked me to. I knew that Chet would have wanted me to. But now I was lost. If something had happened to the others because I had trusted Jay, then it would be even more blood on my hands.

I had to hope that they were alright, but I couldn't stay back anymore either. Payton and I had taken up a position out of sight of Octavius' group. But that meant that we could only hear - and not see - what was going on there.

Chet had stopped screaming a few moments before, and a canon had gone off. My sense of dread only increased. I almost felt overwhelmed from the stress, the pressure.

What should I do?

Finally, I couldn't wait anymore. I had to check, at least, to know for sure. I'd just take a peek, see if Chet was still alive. See if it was too late. Then I'd track down the others. Figure all this out.

And maybe even re-evaluate the plan, like Payton had said.

The late autumn air was heavy as I made my way through the dense woods. Years of experience had shown me where to walk in order to remain unseen and unheard. As I drew closer to where I

knew that they were, the remaining coverage thinned until I had no choice but to stop.

However, I was close enough now to see almost everything. And once I stealthily made my way up the sturdiest, closest tree, I could see even more.

Chet was slumped forward against a tree, and the only thing keeping him from falling to the ground were the ropes at his waist. He was shirtless, and his torso was a bloodied mess of carvings - all done in a meticulous manner so that almost every inch of skin had been touched.

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